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eslint-config-bases 1.2.18

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @trifork/eslint-config-bases@1.2.18
Install via package.json:
"@trifork/eslint-config-bases": "1.2.18"

About this version


This is a composable eslint config base for all react apps by Trifork.


  • Composable: Compose your workspace eslint config from pre-defined bases.
  • Performance: Plugins are enabled on file conventions patterns to increase performance.
  • Monorepo friendly: plugins does not need to be installed per workspace. Just install it in the root.


Before installing you need to add the following lines to your .npmrc file:


And you need to generate a github token with at least the following permissions: read:packages. Save the token in a convenient place and make sure to name it NPM_PKG_GITHUB_TOKEN

echo export NPM_PKG_GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token> >> ~/.zshrc

Then you can install it using your favorite package manager:

# Using npm
npm install -D eslint @trifork/eslint-config-bases

# Using yarn
yarn add -D eslint @trifork/eslint-config-bases


Create an .eslintrc.js or .eslintrc.cjs file that extends any of the existing base configs. E.g.:

// Next line only required if you're in a monorepo

module.exports = {
  root: true,
  parserOptions: {
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
    project: "tsconfig.json",
  ignorePatterns: ["**/node_modules", "build", ".next", ".eslintrc.*"],
  extends: [

    // "@trifork/eslint-config-bases/mdx",

    // "@trifork/eslint-config-bases/storybook",
    // "@trifork/eslint-config-bases/playwright",

    // Add specific rules for your framework if needed.
    // ie:
    // - nextjs: 'next/core-web-vitals',
    // - remix:  '@remix-run/eslint-config',
    // ...

    // Post configure the prettier base and run prettier
    // without conflicts thx to eslint-plugin-prettier
    // Alternatively to the above if you're already running prettier
    // we can get a speed up by using on eslint-prettier-config
    // "@trifork/eslint-config-bases/prettier-config",
  rules: {
    // Specific global rules for your app or package
    // Might help if next eslint plugin does not locate pages
    // '@next/next/no-html-link-for-pages': ['error', `${__dirname}/src/pages`],
  overrides: [
    // Specific file rules for your app or package

Prettier integration

There are two ways to work with prettier

  • @trifork/eslint-config-bases/prettier-plugin - eslint will run prettier under the hood
  • @trifork/eslint-config-bases/prettier-config - eslint will just disable some conflicting rules (so you'll need to run prettier after)

Tune the behaviour by creating a config in .prettierrc.js

// @ts-check
const { getPrettierConfig } = require("@trifork/eslint-config-bases/helpers");

 * @type {import('prettier').Config}
module.exports = {
  overrides: [
    // whatever you need



  • eslint-config-bases-1.2.18.tgz

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