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20 repositories
- Saving staff time by building a model that identifies Electronic Annual Reports (EARs) with errors? Can we learn more about contributing factors through geographic visualization? By Anna Waldron and Elena Smith, Winner of Imagine H2O Award in 2018 California Water Data Challenge
PublicData from scraping SDWIS Water System Details pages, distributed in the Datapackage format.Data-Curation-Examples
PublicDammed If You Do A map and infographics visualizing dam hazard in California Inspiration Dams are important, but not often thought about by members of the public, until something goes wrong. This project communicates the potential risk, with an objective of building support for dam safety in California. What it does Identifies and communicates t…- This repository documents the Open Water Rate Specification (OWRS), a machine-readable format for specifying and sharing water rate information. OWRS is designed for analysts, economists, and software developers interested in analyzing water rates. OWRS attempts to fully encode a water utility's rate structure and pricing schedules in a form th…
PublicLead Levels in San Francisco Schools San Francisco Unified School District tested the school's drinking water for lead last year. This map shows the highest lead levels detected at each school based on multiple sample sites and dates. There is no safe level of lead, especially for children. Even small amounts can lower IQ. Damage from lead expos…- The California Dept of Public Health estimates that 85 percent of California’s community public water systems, supplying more than 30 million residents, rely on groundwater for at least part of their drinking water supply. Because many community water systems are entirely reliant on groundwater for their drinking water supply, contamination of t…