#Install a virtual machine with Ubuntu 14.04 on Windows 8 with virtualbox and vagrant.
We will have a Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS x64 with a hostname project-name running on local machine that has 4 cpu and share with it a 8 G ram.
Nginx 1.9
PHP 5.6.8
MySQL Percona 5.6.24
composer 1.0
Opened ports 22, 80, 8181, 8282, 8383, 8484, 8585
Vagrant will share /var/www folder with Windows shared/www
#Compile server
vagrant up
automaticaly download and install and update Ubuntu box and dependencies.
create default vhost http://demo.dev and install phpmyadmin on http://pma.dev
set mysql password: server!@#$
add Laravel Homestead serve command with which you can quick add vhosts like:
serve domain.dev domainFolderName
will add and enable vhost in /etc/nginx/sites-available and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled with document root /vagrant/shared/www/domainFolderName
#Enter in ssh
vagrant ssh
If you want to use your custom puPHPet files and install separately you could see documentation here