You need DUB:
and a D compiler, for example DMD:
Clone and "dub run" to play
For MacOs you also need to install sdl2, sdl2_image, sdl2_ttf, and sdl2_mixer
brew install sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer
Left mouse click toggles shooting Middle mouse click toggles beam (currently instant kills everything it hits )
Font by
To do:
- Refactor:
- Menu item struct
- Animation struct
- Current appstate struct
- Clear vfx arrays on death
- Make animated wave like gradient colored background:
- Make 9 different versions
- 9 different color palettes
- Move all sfx to soundsystem.d
- Make sfx trigger functions in soundsystem.d
- Make hit and shoot sfx not so random, see code from lego project
- Make channels for all sfx
- Add layered background music
- Fade in playerHit sfx
- Play random background music layers when changing grid position
- Mix music/sfx volumes
- Make scoring sensible again
- Draw score last
- Highlight new entry on highscore list
- Make use of 'gamesPlayed' in highscore.json
- Add alternative shoot buttons
- Make beam do dmg, not insta kill
- Rewrite orb creation, less messed up params, remove magic numbers
- Make initial orb spawn timer shorter
- Make compact sprite with sprite packer
- Make better damage frame texture
- Bomb weapon on right mouse button, instantly kill everything.
- Death animations
- More color variations for enemies
- Huge enemy orb, need bomb or beam to kill
- Spawn medium orb when huge orb dies
- Accelerating spawn timers (maybe not, spawning small from the big might be enough)
Beam weapon on middle mouse button, long range and OP.Big orbs spawn smaller orbs on death