What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐞
4bd380b analyzer: Serialize sharedPackages
ordered by their id
b051095 model: Fix-up filtering excluded issues
e074893 model: Serialize project's scope names in alphabetical order
New Features 🎉
9bf11d3 clients/osv: Align model with latest OSV schema version 1.6.3
a765916 gradle: Also make distribution archives reproducible
fc60edc gradle: Configure signing of distribution archives
Build 🐘 & CI ⚙️
6f4735e github: Make signing properties available to the distribution
37ec96b github: Sign releases and upload them along with their signatures
Chores 🔧
833dac3 downloader: Map directly to a set instead of converting a list
268a2b4 gradle: Sort a list of options alphabetically
Dependency Updates 🚀
723299a Update the native-gradle-plugin to version 0.10.2
8181666 update dependency io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.11
c57ded4 update dependency org.springframework:spring-core to v5.3.35
62f008b update jetbrains/qodana-action action to v2024.1.5
Documentation 📖
19dfc01 README: Update CII links to OpenSSF
Tests ✅
066413b Align test assets with recent changes in advisor result model
889f474 Re-serialize a couple of test assets
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