ClojureScript micro-library that helps you make the process of uploading large files easier for users. It splits file in chunks and uploads them sequentially with retries (and timeouts between them) on failure. Falls back to normal upload if blob slicing isn't supported by user's browser.
(ns myns.files
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]])
(:require [ostronom.uploader :as up]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]))
(defn i-want-to-upload [file]
(let [uploader (up/get-uploader)
ch (up/upload uploader "/files" file {"form-field" "value"})]
(go-loop []
(when-let [[evt data] (<! ch)]
(cond evt
(js/console.log "UPLOADED" (:loaded data) "OUT OF" (:total evt))
(js/console.log "DONE")
(js/console.log ":(")))))))
returns IUploader
instance with upload
method with two arities: [this target file form-data]
and [u target file form-data file-name]
is URL where file should be submittedfile
is FormData file instanceform-data
hash-map of additional form data to be sent with a filefile-name
overrides file name offile
You can provide configuration options to get-uploader
like this (get-uploader opts)
, where opts
is a hash with some options:
form field which should contain file (default:"file"
size of each chunk in bytes (default:524288
timeout function which should take number of upload attempt and return number of ms to sleep before another attempt (defaults to constantly 3000 ms):total-field
form field which should contain total file size of uploaded file (default:"total"
form field which should contain offset of current chunk from the beginning (default:"offset"
number of retries on chunk upload error.nil
value means infinite retries (default:nil
method returns core.async
channel with following messages:
-- when upload is complete[:error]
-- when there was an error after all of the retries[:progress {:total N :loaded M}]
-- informs you that M out of N bytes are uploaded
Obviously, your server should support "gluing" of those chunks together.