Hi! Welcome to otavia projects! This is the source code of otavia ecosystem!
otavia is an IO and Actor programming model power by Scala 3, it
provides a toolkit to make writing high-performance concurrent programs more easily. Quick learn otavia
Quick Start.
artifact name | status | scope | repository | what's this |
otavia-buffer | WIP | buffer | otavia | A zero-deps buffer implementation for replace java.nio.ByteBuffer forked from Netty. |
otavia-serde | WIP | serde | otavia | A generic serialization and deserialization framework based on otavia-buffer . |
otavia-runtime | WIP | runtime | otavia | Core Actor model, IO model(channel), slf4a, reactor model, IOC, message model, and thread model. |
otavia-codec | WIP | codec | otavia | Some generic ChannelHandler. |
otavia-handler | WIP | codec | otavia | Some special ChannelHandler, eg, SSL, io traffic control, timeout. |
otavia-async | PLAN | async | otavia-async | A implementation of async/await transformation for Actor message sending/waiting based on CPS(Continuation Passing Style) transformation powered by metaprogramming of Scala 3. |
otavia-sql | WIP | sql | otavia | Actor database connect specification for RDBMS. |
otavia-serde-json | WIP | json | otavia | JSON serialization and deserialization. |
otavia-codec-http | WIP | http | otavia | HTTP ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-serde-proto | PLAN | protocol | otavia | Protocol buffer serialization and deserialization. |
otavia-codec-haproxy | PLAN | codec | otavia | Haproxy ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-memcache | PLAN | codec | otavia | Memcache ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-mqtt | PLAN | codec | otavia | MQTT ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-redis | WIP | codec | otavia | Redis ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-smtp | PLAN | codec | otavia | SMTP ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-socks | PLAN | codec | otavia | SOCKS4/5 ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-kafka | PLAN | codec | otavia | KAFKA ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-codec-dns | PLAN | codec | otavia | DNS ChannelHandlers and Actors. |
otavia-mysql-driver | WIP | sql/codec | otavia | mysql driver for otavia. |
otavia-postgres-driver | WIP | sql/codec | otavia | postgres driver for otavia. |
otavia-log4a | WIP | logger | otavia | A simple slf4a logger implementation. |
sponge | PLAN | web framework | otavia | A simple web framework based on otavia ecosystem. |
otavia-native-transport | PLAN | io transport | native-transport | A native io transport via JNI. |