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Changelog 1.4

Evil Puncker edited this page May 28, 2023 · 1 revision


  • added support for POSIX signals (new: SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP and SIGUSR1)
  • better handling of configmanager class
  • better handling of item attribute types
  • improved dispatcher performance
  • improved OTBM loader performance
  • improved loading items.xml performance
  • improved getSpectators performance
  • improved XTEA performance
  • private RSA key is now being loaded from a PEM file
  • scheduler ignores empty tasks now

Source code

  • added override attribute wherever applicable
  • adjusted code formatting
  • adjusted construction of messages for dealt/received damage
  • anonymous namespaces are now being used wherever applicable
  • chaseMode uses bool now instead of enumeration
  • corrected many typos in strings and variable names
  • events (actions, talkactions, movements, etc.) use smart pointers now
  • guild rank now uses shared_ptr
  • improved blessings get/set code
  • improved LightInfo handling
  • map search for types and effects
  • monster loot now accepts count higher than 100
  • ProtocolGame::login now loads players by id instead of name
  • removed a lot of unused and unnecessary code
  • removed final attribute from final class methods
  • removed unused parameter mana from monsters and NPCs
  • replaced forward_list with vector in creature walking
  • replaced protected visibility with private for final classes
  • sendInventoryItems now uses a for loop
  • singletons now use return by reference
  • skill cache is no longer used as pow performance is fast enough
  • standardized class and variable names
  • standardized client viewport
  • STL algorithms are now being used for vocation search by id

Project tools

  • now compiling with C++17 by default
  • added appveyor
  • added docker
  • improvements to cmake and visual studio project files
  • moved from tfssdk to vcpkg
  • fixed various compiling issues across all supported platforms
  • new icon

New features

  • account storage key/value
  • buy with backpacks
  • classic attackspeed
  • configurable depot and vip limits
  • custom item attributes
  • customizable world light
  • event callbacks
  • hotkey equip
  • improved bank system
  • lua item description (disabled by defeault)
  • lua Party methods
  • monsters drop loot in lua
  • monsters walkback to spawn
  • more getters for ItemType class
  • NPC trade using bank account
  • NPC voice module (npc saying random lines, see #2932 for details)
  • player direction is now stored in the database
  • reintroduced /attr talkaction known from 0.4
  • separated group flags in groups.xml (no longer a single number)
  • spawns can now be set to create random monsters (see #3605 for details)
  • special skills (leech and crit)
  • store inbox
  • towns are now cached in the database
  • vocation specific kick times in case of lost connection

New options in config.lua

  • allowWalkthrough
  • classicAttackSpeed
  • cleanProtectionZones
  • defaultWorldLight
  • depotFreeLimit
  • depotPremiumLimit
  • forceMonsterTypesOnLoad
  • houseDoorShowPrice
  • houseOwnedByAccount
  • luaItemDesc
  • onlyInvitedCanMoveHouseItems
  • removeChargesFromPotions
  • removeOnDespawn
  • removeWeaponAmmunition
  • removeWeaponCharges
  • serverSaveCleanMap
  • serverSaveClose
  • serverSaveNotifyDuration
  • serverSaveNotifyMessage
  • serverSaveShutdown
  • showPlayerLogInConsole
  • vipFreeLimit
  • vipPremiumLimit
  • yellMinimumLevel
  • yellAlwaysAllowPremium

New enums





Magic effect


Fight mode


Item attribute


Item group


Item ids


Message types

  • MESSAGE_GUILD - White message in channel (+ channelId)
  • MESSAGE_PARTY_MANAGEMENT - White message in channel (+ channelId)
  • MESSAGE_PARTY - White message in channel (+ channelId)







New XML attributes


  • canwalkonenergy
  • canwalkonfire
  • canwalkonpoison
  • challengeable
  • ignoreSpawnBlock
  • isBoss


imbuements related:

  • criticalhitchance
  • criticalhitamount
  • lifeleechchance
  • lifeleechamount
  • manaleechchance
  • manaleechamount


  • forceserialize/forcesave - saves unmoveable items like beds and carpets when put in house
  • storeitem - allows putting the item in store inbox
  • initdamage - damage dealt when stepping on field
  • attackspeed - attack speed
  • elementholy - holy resistance
  • elementdeath - death resistance


  • ignoreendvalue - boolean for mission field. Enabling it will keep the mission displayed when mission storage is higher than endvalue.


  • allowPvp - (boolean) some vocations can have pvp disabled now
  • noPongKickTime - (unsigned int) amount of seconds to kick the player in case he loses the connection


A new way to create scripts has been implemented. It allows the developers to create mods they can drag and drop to data/scripts. Example mods can be found in the same folder. Every file from that folder will load automatically. To disable loading a certain file, add a # symbol at the beginning of file.

Supported constructors:

  • Action
  • CreatureEvent
  • GlobalEvent
  • MonsterType
  • MoveEvent
  • Party
  • Spell
  • TalkAction
  • Weapon


  • Added event callbacks. They're hooks for things located in data/events folder. Examples can be found in data/scripts/eventcallbacks.

New events

  • Creature:onHear(speaker, words, type)
  • Monster:onDropLoot(corpse)
  • Monster:onSpawn(position, startup, artificial)
  • Player:onItemMoved(item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder)
  • Player:onTradeCompleted(target, item, targetItem, isSuccess)
  • Player:onWrapItem(item, position)

New functions

  • isNumber(str) - same as tonumber(str) but returns false instead of nil
  • isValidMoney(money)
  • getLootRandom()
  • getMoneyCount(string)
  • getMoneyWeight(money)
  • getSubTypeName(subType)
  • logCommand(player, words, param) - logs talkaction to a file
  • setWorldLight(level, color)

New methods


  • combat:getPositions(creature, variant)
  • combat:getTargets(creature, variant)
  • combat:clearConditions()
  • combat:getParameter(key)


  • condition:getParameter(key)


  • container:createLootItem(item)
  • container:getItems(recursive)


  • creature:isImmune()
  • creature:move(direction) - moves creature to selected direction
  • creature:hasCondition(conditionType[, subId = 0]) - checks if creature has specified condition
  • creature:isContainer()
  • creature:isTeleport()
  • creature:setHealth(health)
  • creature:canAccessPz()
  • creature:isMovementBlocked()
  • creature:setMovementBlocked(state)


  • Game.getClientVersion() - returns a table with fields min, max and string
  • Game.getMonsterTypes()
  • Game.getItemAttributeByName(name)
  • Game.getAccountStorageValue(accountId, key)
  • Game.setAccountStorageValue(accountId, key, value)
  • Game.saveAccountStorageValues()


  • group:hasFlag(flag)


  • house:getItems()
  • house:save()
  • house:getDoorIdByPosition(position)
  • house:canEditAccessList(listId, player)
  • house:kickPlayer(player, targetPlayer)


  • item:isLoadedFromMap()
  • item:isMonster()
  • item:isNpc()
  • item:isStoreItem()
  • item:setStoreItem(bool storeItem)
  • itemType:isStoreItem()
  • item:getCustomAttribute(key)
  • item:setCustomAttribute(key, value)
  • item:removeCustomAttribute(key)
  • item:getSpecialDescription()


  • itemType:isBlocking()
  • itemType:isGroundTile()
  • itemType:isMagicField()
  • itemType:isUseable()
  • itemType:isPickupable()
  • itemType:getAmmoType()
  • itemType:getCorpseType()
  • itemType:getGroup()
  • itemType:getAbilities()
  • itemType:hasShowAttributes()
  • itemType:hasShowCount()
  • itemType:hasShowCharges()
  • itemType:hasShowDuration()
  • itemType:hasAllowDistRead()
  • itemType:getWieldInfo()
  • itemType:getDuration()
  • itemType:getLevelDoor()
  • itemType:getVocationString()
  • itemType:getMinReqLevel()
  • itemType:getMinReqMagicLevel()


  • monster:rename(name[, nameDescription])


  • networkMessage:seek(position)
  • networkMessage:tell()
  • networkMessage:len()


  • Outfit(looktype) - meant to compare outfit1 == outfit2


  • player:hasChaseMode()
  • player:hasSecureMode()
  • player:getFightMode()
  • player:hasFlag(flag)
  • player:canWearOutfit(looktype)
  • player:getZone()
  • player:getSpecialSkill(specialSkillType)
  • player:addSpecialSkill(specialSkillType, value)
  • player:transferMoneyTo(target, amount)
  • player:withdrawMoney(amount)
  • player:depositMoney(amount)
  • player:getPremiumEndsAt()
  • player:setPremiumEndsAt(timestamp)
  • player:setPremiumTime(seconds)
  • player:addPremiumTime(seconds)
  • player:removePremiumTime(seconds)
  • player:getPremiumTime()
  • player:addLevel(amount, round)
  • player:addMagicLevel(value)
  • player:addSkill(skillId, value, round)
  • player:getWeaponType()
  • player:sendHouseWindow(house, listId)
  • player:setEditHouse(house, listId)
  • player:removeSkillTries(skillType, tries[, notify = true])
  • player:removeManaSpent(amount[, notify = true])


  • position:isWalkable(condition)
  • position:isInRange(fromPos, toPos)


  • spell:runeLevel(level)
  • spell:runeMagicLevel(magLevel)


  • string.splitTrimmed(string, separator) - works as a combination of string.split(str, sep) and string.trim(str), can also be called as text:splitTrimmed(sep)


  • table.contains(table, value) - same as isInArray(t, v)


  • tile:isWalkable(condition)
  • tile:addItem(itemId, count)
  • tile:addItemEx(item[, flags = 0])
  • tile:remove()


  • vocation:allowsPvp()

Changes in datapack

  • Added allowDistRead attribute to many signs and statues (items.xml)
  • Added more groups. To get full access now you need account type 6 and group id 6
  • Added spell words to runes when looking at them
  • Updated forgotten.otbm to version 10.98
  • Updated monsters and items.xml

Added and updated lots of Lua scripts up to version 10.98

  • added achievements system
  • added enchanting system
  • updated taming system
  • new weapons and equipment statistics
  • house carpets
  • ferumbras items
  • gold converter
  • scroll of ascension
  • costume bags
  • premium scroll
  • secret service tool gears
  • blessing charms
  • lootboxes (christmas bundles, surprise bags, gnomish package, etc)
  • skinning (obsidian knife, blessed wooden stake)
  • rust remover
  • juice squeezer
  • afflicted outfit related items
  • large seashell
  • wall mirror
  • snow heap
  • dolls
  • sweetheart ring
  • spider egg
  • fire bug
  • water pipe
  • music instruments
  • lottery ticket
  • clay lump
  • 8.1 april fools items
  • sugar oat
  • rum distilling
  • goldfish bowl
  • white deer death scripts
  • missing food ids
  • daily crate loot
  • muck remover
  • saw (for wooden ties)
  • watering flower pots
  • swamp digging
  • hive gate teleporting
  • gnomish vouchers
  • items displaying blessings
  • claw of the noxious spawn
  • roasting meat on campfire
  • ice flower harvesting
  • insectoid cell
  • banker npc
  • juicy roots harvesting
  • painted gourd rattle
  • perppermoon bells
  • ice fishing
  • beds (added "this bed cannot be used message")

Adjusted Lua scripts

  • added a message to citizen teleport
  • added level and premium config for !buyhouse command
  • added missing astro clock, sundial and very noble looking watch to the watch script
  • added missing rope spots (up to 10.98)
  • added more swimmable tiles
  • added new potions up to 10.98
  • added isPremium check to ship captain NPC
  • code improvements for /looktype
  • fixed console warnings when the player is misusing rope
  • fixed post startup rng by calling math.randomseed(os.time()) as early as possible
  • fixed promotion.lua bug that made players with no vocation promoted
  • fixed wrong fluids behaviour when moving between fluid containers
  • improved ip ban system
  • improved the code behind curse condition
  • improved !online and fixed ghost mode handling
  • moved windows and doors to revscripts
  • NPC system now warns when a NPC sells something for lower price than he buys
  • pick now works with shiny stone
  • reworked utori spells
  • shortened and improved party spells code
  • spellbooks now show params if spells have one
  • updated door locking mechanism
  • updated healing/mana color and messages
  • updated message types for quests and doors

Code quality improvements (Lua)

  • changed nil checks to not checks
  • removed unnecessary nil checks
  • fixed typos and whitespaces
  • replaced isInArray with table.contains
  • renamed combat:setCondition to combat:addCondition
  • adjusted scripts to avoid using compat functions

Moved to lua


  • All commands are talkactions now. As commands.xml is no longer needed, it got removed.
  • /reload
  • /raid
  • !sellhouse


  • find person (exiva)
  • house access management spells
  • creature illusion (utevo res ina)
  • summon creature (utevo res)
  • levitate (exani hur)
  • chameleon rune (adevo ina)
  • convince creature rune (adeta sio)
  • runemaking


  • doSet...Outfit
  • table.contains (formerly known as isInArray)
  • bug reporting
  • rule violation reporting
  • transform
  • decay
  • party shared xp formula
  • monster loot dropping
  • experience stages
  • item descriptions (needs enabling in config.lua)



  • actions can now be grouped with ; separator
  • added a few missing lua_pop instructions to luascript.cpp
  • added a console warning when monster paralyze is trying to go above the limit
  • added a console warning when vocations.xml file has unrecognized XML attributes
  • added backwards compatibility for <inside> tag in monster loot
  • added pushable flag to NPCs
  • config.lua is now generated from config.lua.dist if the former can't be loaded
  • creature:removeCondition now supports userdata
  • direction checking methods now read DIRECTION_NONE instead of DIRECTION_NORTHWEST when both positions are equal
  • enforced utf-8 encoding in the database
  • fixed a bug with items not being removed in Game::internalRemoveItem
  • fixed a crash caused by calling addEvent(function() end)
  • fixed a crash caused by closing the server on Windows
  • fixed a crash caused by creature:setMaster
  • fixed a crash caused by inability to find map specified in config.lua
  • fixed a crash caused by registering same creaturescript twice on a single creature
  • fixed a crash caused by relogging after putting an item on depot (Linux)
  • fixed a crash caused by targeting already removed creature in rare situations (see #2582 for details)
  • fixed a crash in token time parsing
  • fixed a crash on Windows when using 2FA
  • fixed a crash possible to happen during RSA decryption
  • fixed a crash related to monsters with onPrepareDeath event dying from a condition
  • fixed a crash related to map cleaning
  • fixed a crash when the spectator can't see the position in removeTileCreature
  • fixed a crash with combat:execute(combat, variant)
  • fixed a login error caused by enabling freepremium
  • fixed a loop in player:getInstantSpells()
  • fixed a missing call to onTargetCombat in combat.cpp
  • fixed an issue with double onEquip execution. An extra parameter isCheck was added.
  • fixed an issue with house doors not being unique in the database
  • fixed an issue with LuaJIT being detected twice
  • fixed combatBlockHit not using ignoreResistances flag
  • fixed bugs, freezes and crashes related to /i talkaction and Game.createItem
  • fixed data race in scheduler
  • fixed handling creatures that fall into interlocked teleports
  • fixed memory leaks in talkactions and NPC system
  • fixed monsters with conditions not becoming idle
  • fixed multiple crashes, bugs and memory leaks caused by /reload
  • fixed multiple crashes caused by passing nil to some functions (see #3562 for details)
  • fixed waitlist getting stuck
  • fluids now use ids under 100 in items.xml
  • improved :getPluralName
  • improved premium time handling
  • monsters can no longer be set to have healthNow higher than healthMax in their XML file
  • new limits to spawn time: min 10 seconds, max 1 day
  • nonpvp walls and growths now disappear when stepped on
  • NPCs are now in idle state when no players are nearby
  • removed unnecessary shoplist update in NPC system

Lua functions:

  • doPlayerAddManaSpent and doPlayerAddSkillTry no longer multiply the amount by skill rates
  • fixed player:getClosestFreePosition behaviour
  • fixed incorrect gold stacks detection in player:removeMoney
  • container:addItem no longer limits subType to 100
  • fixed issues with pushMovement in creature:teleportTo
  • fixed Player:onMoveItem not being called when using items from the ground
  • fixed Player:onMoveItem not being called when switching items in the inventory
  • new implementation of onManaChange
  • new flags in target/tile combat: blockedByArmor, blockedByShield, ignoreResistances
  • player:addMount, player:hasMount and player:removeMount now support mount name string
  • Player constructor now allows GUID
  • player:showTextDialog now accepts Item userdata
  • premium time is now updated on character login
  • promoted vocations are no longer needed in weapons.xml


  • fixed a client crash when creature:say has missing type
  • fixed a client crash when displaying more than 7 players on one tile
  • fixed a client crash when opening unnamed (item of type ...) containers
  • fixed incorrect distance effect path when player gets teleported with onPrepareDeath script
  • fixed issues with disabled action bars in some clients
  • fixed light sources not working in arrow slot
  • fixed multiple client crashes on "set outfit" window requests
  • premium status now displays correctly in character list
  • fixed market not recognizing items from cancelled offers
  • fixed mount issues with GM outfit (see #2028 for details)
  • fixed trade window being stuck in some situations


  • added black skull limitations
  • added stairhop exhaustion for spells
  • adjusted player corpse descriptions
  • blood splashes caused by physical damage no longer spill in PZ tiles
  • bonus magic level is no longer counted for % magic level buff condition
  • browse field no longer shows items marked with special uniqueId
  • challenged creatures no longer run away on low health
  • changed wrap/unwrap to be for house owners only
  • corrected inaccurate sight lines for throwing items and attacks
  • corrected intervals for bleeding and poison
  • default cap for new characters is 400 now
  • default townId for new characters is 1 now
  • fixed a bug that caused players to stay on trainers when they exit the client with targeted creature
  • fixed a bug with wall runes not working diagonally
  • fixed a bug with elemental damage reduction not working in some situations
  • fixed a pick being able to make holes anywhere
  • fixed aleta grav not working on closed doors
  • fixed allowfaruse not working
  • fixed an overflow in skullTicks
  • fixed blood rage spell behaviour
  • fixed bypassing disabled browse field with arrow up icon
  • fixed conditions not being applied when drinking fluids
  • fixed count message for hotkey actions
  • fixed decay not working in some scenarios
  • fixed direction not updating when changing floor using parcels trick
  • fixed disappearing depot items when player never opened his depot yet
  • fixed disappearing items after trade bug
  • fixed inability to cast spells in front of a wall
  • fixed inability to cast spells when muted
  • fixed inability to talk in NPC channel when muted
  • fixed inability to switch floors with stacked parcels in some situations
  • fixed inaccurate player defense formula
  • fixed inaccurate viplist behaviour
  • fixed incorrect behaviour of pyramid corners
  • fixed invisibility interaction with ghost mode
  • fixed issues related to buying fluids through NPC trade
  • fixed missing attributes display on bows crossbows
  • fixed monster lookDirection when facing the target diagonally
  • fixed monsters interaction with fields
  • fixed pagination in sendAddContainerItem
  • fixed potential yellow skull bug (see #2072)
  • fixed problems with opening containers on a tile with many of them
  • fixed problems with auto stacking system
  • fixed reading player skill values when equipped with weapons with ammo
  • fixed shared experience triggering and formula bugs
  • fixed skills not going up when being exactly at zero tries of starting level
  • fixed stacking items with modified attributes
  • fixed stored vocation regeneration not updating
  • fixed traps not dealing damage
  • fixed unintentionally reduced PVP healing
  • fixed "use" option not working in "browse field" after an item was moved
  • fluid containers in loot are now empty by default instead of having water
  • heal friend (exura sio) has proper range now
  • house access lists can now read guild ranks
  • improved two handed weapons equipping mechanic
  • improved experience formula - now allows 1034406 max level
  • improved player:getDeathPenalty() precision
  • keys now use four digits to display the number (eg 0021 instead of just 21)
  • magic fields are no longer impossible to replace
  • monster aggro no longer gets triggered through ground floor
  • monsters killed by other monsters now drop loot properly
  • monsters no longer hit you instantly when you enter and leave pz fast
  • monsters no longer paralyze themselves
  • mute condition now saves on logout
  • players can no longer invite themselves to a party
  • players with low level pvp protection can now be walked through
  • poison is no longer applied on missed hits
  • removed the ability to message to yourself
  • removed the ability to buy items from yourself at the market
  • removed delay on monster death
  • removed duplicate rent charge on !buyhouse
  • store outfits and mounts are no longer premium only
  • summons inherit canPushItems flag (see #3462 for details)
  • updated afk warning message
  • updated cancel messages
  • using items no longer cancels autowalk
  • war players no longer have green skull

Security updates

  • added token validation when connecting to the gameworld
  • dropped support for regular expressions in house access lists
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