varnish status provides basic information about varnish backend and director health. Data is represented as HTML and JSON.
You should have installed ruby-1.9.3 and the bundler rubygem (gem install bundler). The user running varnish_status need access to varnishadm on the machine.
clone the repository on the same machine, where you run a varnish instance.
git clone
cd varnish_status.git
bundle install
bundle exec puma
varnish_status is using the varnish command line tool varnishadm. Define your specific varnishadm command and special parameters in the config.yaml.
varnish_status expects, you are using naming conventions in your vcl for your backends, <backend_name>_<pool_name>. Example:
backend server1_pool1 { ... }
backend server2_pool1 { ... }
director pool1 round-robin {
{ .backend = server1_pool1; }
{ .backend = server2_pool1; }
Because the backend.list command in varnishadm does not group backends to directors automatically, varnish_status is using the underscore as seperator to group backends in directors. If no underscore is found in the backend name, varnish_status create a group for each backend.
varnish_status is tested with rspec, see tests/*.rb for details. You can run the tests with:
rake spec
To run varnish_status in production, we recommend using unicorn ( For testing you can run varnish_status in a puma instance. Just checkout, edit the config.yaml, run a bundle install and bundle exec puma.
Open http://myhosthame:9292/ for the HTML reprensation.
Open http://myhostname:9292/internal/status for a basic status json.
Open http://myhostname:9292/internal/details for more details in the json status response.