a library agnostic extensible DOM utility. Nothing else. Bonzo is designed to live in any host library, or simply as a stand-alone tool for the majority of your DOM-related tasks.
.append('<p>the happs</p>')
color: 'red',
'background-color': 'white'
A great way to use Bonzo is with a selector engine (like Qwery for example). You could wrap bonzo up and augment your wrapper to inherit the same methods. That looks like this:
function $(selector) {
return bonzo(qwery(selector));
This now allows you to write the following code:
$('#content a[rel~="bookmark"]').after('√').css('text-decoration', 'none');
One of the greatest parts about Bonzo is its simplicity to hook into the internal chain to create custom methods. For example you can create a method called color like this:
color: function (c) {
return this.css('color', c);
// you can now do the following
- each(callback)
- callback (element, index)
- map(callback, reject)
- callback (element, index)
- reject (element)
- html
- html() get
- html(str) set
- text
- text() get
- text(str) set
- addClass(c)
- removeClass(c)
- hasClass(c)
- toggleClass(c)
- show()
- hide()
- first()
- last()
- next()
- focus()
- blur()
- previous()
- append(html || node)
- appendTo(target || selector)
- prepend(html || node)
- prependTo(target || selector)
- before(html || node)
- insertBefore(target || selector)
- after(html || node)
- insertAfter(target || selector)
- replaceWith(html || node)
- css()
- css(prop) get
- css(prop, val) set
- css({properties}) set
- offset()
- offset(x, y) set
- offset() get
- top
- left
- width
- height
- dim()
- width
- height
- attr
- attr(k) get
- attr(k, v) set
- attr(obj) set
- val
- val() get
- val(s) set
- data
- data() get all
- data(k) get
- data(k, v) set
- remove()
- empty()
- detach()
- scrollLeft
- scrollLeft() get
- scrollLeft(x) set
- scrollTop
- scrollTop() get
- scrollTop(y) set
- bonzo.aug({ properties })
- bonzo.doc()
- width
- height
- bonzo.viewport()
- width
- height
- bonzo.isAncestor(container, child)
- bonzo.noConflict
Added in the Ender bridge
- parents(selector)
- closest(selector)
- siblings()
- children()
- width()
- height()
For the insertion methods you can set a query selector host (like qwery).
bonzo(bonzo.create('div')).insertAfter('.boosh a')
Bonzo Madrid was a malicious battle school commander of whom eventually is killed by Ender Wiggin. Bonzo represents the DOM, of whom we'd all love to slay.
$ cd bonzo
$ npm install --dev
$ make
$ open tests/tests.html
- IE6+
- Chrome
- Safari 4+
- Firefox 3+
- Opera
Bonzo is a registered npm package and fits in nicely with the Ender framework. If you don't have Ender, you should install now, and never look back, ever. As a side note the query engine host is set for you when you include it with Ender.
$ npm install ender -g
To combine Bonzo to your Ender build, you can add it as such:
$ ender build bonzo[,modb, modc,...]
or, add it to your existing ender package
$ ender add bonzo