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Designvote API

The API for the Designvote Website

Tech Stack

Client: React, Typescript, Chakra-UI, Zustand, Auth0

Server (this repo): Clojure, Reitit, PostgreSQL, Auth0, DigitalOcean Spaces, Stripe

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your resources/secrets.edn file

# resources/secrets.edn 
{:stripe-secret      "example"
 :signing-secret     "example"
 :yearly-plan        "example"
 :monthly-plan       "example"
 :aws-access-key     "example"
 :aws-secret-key     "example"
 :aws-s3-bucket-name "example"
 :aws-s3-endpoint    "example"}

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd designvote-api

Start a repl

  lein repl

Start the server

  user=> (start)


The project is deployed on heroku so when you push to the master branch, it will deploy automatically

API Reference

Get all items

  GET /api/items
Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

Upload multiple versions for a design

  POST /v1/design/${design-id}/versions/multiple
Parameter Type Description
design-id string Required. Id of design

Vote on a design survey

  POST /v1/design/vote/${design-id}/
Parameter Type Description
design-id string Required. Id of design




Home Screen


Latest Screen


The screen with the latest public designs

Popular Screen


The screen with the most popular designs

Public Design Screen

Parameter Type Description
designId string Required. Id of design
The screen where users can vote on designs. If a user doesn't vote, he will not see results

Designer screen

The designer screen

Parameter Type Description
nickname string Required. Nickname of the designers

Designer surveys

The designer screen

Parameter Type Description
nickname string Required. Nickname of the designers



The edit account settings


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