This is my personal collection of free Docker books, feel free to share and read.
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- A Practical Guide to Continuous Delivery [Download]
- Advanced Microservices [Download]
- Build Your Own PaaS with Docker [Download]
- Containerization with Ansible 2 [Download]
- Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools [Download]
- Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins [Download]
- CoreOS Essentials [Download]
- CoreOS in Action - Running Applications on Container Linux [Download]
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS [Download]
- Deployment with Docker [Download]
- Developing with Docker [Download]
- DevOps - Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes [Download]
- DevOps with Kubernetes [Download]
- Docker - Creating Structured Containers [Download]
- Docker - Up & Running [Download]
- Docker - 从入门到实践 [Download]
- Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers [Download]
- Docker Bootcamp [Download]
- Docker Containers - Build and Deploy with Kubernetes, Flannel, Cockpit, and Atomic [Download]
- Docker Cookbook - Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed Applications [Download]
- Docker Cookbook [Download]
- Docker for Data Science [Download]
- Docker for Developers [Download]
- Docker for Sysadmins [Download]
- Docker Hands on - Deploy, Administer Docker Platform [Download]
- Docker High Performance [Download]
- Docker in Action [Download]
- Docker in Practice [Download]
- Docker in Production - Lessons from the Trenches [Download]
- Docker Management Design Patterns - Swarm Mode on Amazon Web Services [Download]
- Docker Networking Cookbook [Download]
- Docker on Windows [Download]
- Docker Orchestration [Download]
- Docker Tutorial - Anthony Baire [Download]
- Docker Tutorial - [Download]
- Docker源码分析-看云版 [Download]
- Docker源码分析 [Download]
- Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC [Download]
- Extending Docker [Download]
- Getting Started with Kubernetes - Second Edition [Download]
- Infrastructure as Code (IAC) Cookbook [Download]
- Kubernetes - Microservices with Docker [Download]
- Kubernetes - Up and Running - Dive into the Future of Infrastructure [Download]
- Kubernetes Cookbook [Download]
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker [Download]
- Kubernetes Patterns [Download]
- Learning Docker - Section Edition [Download]
- Learning Docker Networking [Download]
- Learning Windows Server Containers [Download]
- Mastering CoreOS [Download]
- Mastering Docker [Download]
- Mastering Kubernetes [Download]
- Microservices - Building Scalable Software [Download]
- Microservices with Docker on Microsoft Azure [Download]
- Monitoring Docker [Download]
- Native Docker Clustering with Swarm [Download]
- Orchestrating Docker [Download]
- Painless Docker Basic Edition [Download]
- Pro Docker [Download]
- Puppet for Containerization [Download]
- Securing Docker [Download]
- The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit [Download]
- The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit - Docker Swarm [Download]
- The Docker Book - James Turnbull - v17.03.0 [Download]
- Troubleshooting Docker [Download]
- Using Docker [Download]
- What You Need to Know about Docker [Download]
- 第一本Docker书 [Download]