This is a modified fork of D2RQ (
There are following major differences with the original:
- It is a maven project while the original is ant
- Up-to-date dependencies (java 8, Apache Jena 3.x, etc)
- OWL2 support
- A Fuseki (SPARQLer) based embedded server instead of Joseki based native D2RQ Server
- ONT-API (an OWL-API alternative implementation over Apache Jena)
- To build:
mvn clean package
- To run tools:
$ java -jar tools\target\d2rq.jar
- To include in dependencies can be used
- For ONT-API integration there is a special kind of
- It is also assumed that
can be used to filter the default database schema - ONT-MAP can be used to transform DB RDF data into a more suitable form
For running tests please configure postgres and mysql databases.
DB sql-dumps to prepare environment are located in the doc/example
Also, there is a property-file with test db-settings: api/src/test/resources/
Apache License Version 2.0