1 - Create a postgres container using docker compose with doployment/docker-compose/infra.yml
- navigate root folder of project via terminal or cmd
- run the command "docker compose -f /deployment/docker-compose/infra.yml up -d"
2 - Start Backend App
- .\mvnw spring-boot:run (for linux)
- mvnw.cmd spring-boot:run (for windows)
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Spring Boot Starter Data Jpa
- Spring Boot Starter Test
- Flyway
- PostgreSQL
- Lombok
- CrossOrigin annotation added to the product controller
- MockMvc tests of Product and ProductCategory controllers implemented.
- Taskfile.yml added to easily start,stop and restart infrastructure containers
- Docker compose file added in /deployment/docker-compose to create a postgres container
- Flyway migrations prepared
- Product and ProductCategory controllers created
- Product and ProductCategory repositories created
- Product and ProductCategory entities created
- Service layer
- Pagination
- Add codeName to product category model for ui
- Custom response models
- Custom exceptions
- Global exception handler
- SQL Query optimization by creating projection classes and custom repository methods
- SQL Transactions management
- Model and Entity VALIDATION
- Swagger OpenApi
- Spring Boot: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot
- Taskfile: https://taskfile.dev/
- Docker Compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/