- docker compose -f deployment/compose/infra.yml -d
- docker compose -f deployment/compose/monitor.yml -d
- docker compose -f deployment/compose/elk.yml -d
- mnv spring-boot:run
Running with Taskfile
- task start-infra
- task start-monitoring
- task start-elk
- task start-recipe-app
Running with Taskfile: single command
- task start-recipe-all
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- Flyway Migration
- Docker Compose
- Taskfile
- Micrometer Prometheus
- Grafana
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
- Logstash
- Micrometer Bridge Otel
- docker exec -it elasticsearch-rs bash ./bin/elasticsearch-users useradd kibana-user -p password -r kibana_system
or you can use Taskfile
- task start-elk
Postgresql psql & pgdmin
- url: http://localhost:15432
- username: recipe_user
- password: recipe_secret
- command: psql -U recipe_user --port 15432 recipe_db
Kibana UI via http://localhost:5601
- username: elastic
- password: password
Grafana UI http://localhost:3000
- username: admin
- password: admin
- DTOs & request params validations
- Roles for Users
- Dockerize the app