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Tracker Story Convention

Tovieye Moses Ozi edited this page Sep 9, 2018 · 1 revision

PT Story Convention

This is meant to be a guide to formulating your user stories on pivotal tracker. It is important to note that not all user stories would have all the elements listed e.g DESIGN Notes.

The structure and an example of a user story are below. If you need further clarification on terminologies, check the following:

Template Structure

Title: [Persona name] should (not) be able to [overarching action]

_Business/User Value_: As [persona] I want to [action by user] so that [value or need met]

_Acceptance Criteria_
GIVEN [necessary context and preconditions for story]
WHEN [action]
THEN [reaction]

[Relevant technical notes that developers may ask you to add to the story during weekly prep meeting (pre-IPM or IPM); sometimes they may add these themselves or add them as tasks]

**DESIGN Notes**
[prototype / design link inserted here; linking to a folder of a feature is good so designers can continue updating designs without anyone having to re-update the links to each design in the stories]

---other items that you may add to a story---

[Add reason for adding a label needs PM so you can view the story and remember context to unblock the story; usually this is some kind of thing we need to follow up with our client counterpart on]

[Add reason for adding a label needs design so your designers can view the story and get context to unblock the story]

Example User Story: User Login

Title: User should be able to login

_Business/User Value:_ As a User, I should be able to login to the app so I can access my notifications/groups

_Acceptance Criteria_
GIVEN A user 
WHEN User navigates to the login page
THEN User should see a simple and descriptive form with username and password fields

User should be able to login through this form

**DESIGN Notes**
Simple and attractive UI
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