Python library and command line tools for processing's Infragram images and movies. Here are two sample movies remixed from Chris Fastie's "Bee Pond Fuschia" Infrablue movie:
NDVI with fixed value range (-1.0 to 1.0) and overlayed R,G,B,NDVI histograms:
NDVI with dynamic range (vmin to vmax in each frame ) and overlayed R,G,B,NDVI histograms:
Debian Linux system (though Windows and OS X should also be possible with slightly different initial steps):
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-matplotlib libav-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras
Download lastest package from github:
cd ~
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
- Run the setup script:
cd infrapix
sudo python install
- Go to a directory with an infrablue movie and run, e.g.:
infrapix_single -i river.jpg --show_histogram -o ndvi_river.jpg
For a sample infrablue image as input, grab "river.jpg" here, or below (get it via 'right-click save-as'):
Running the above command should result in an image similar to the following:
Go to a directory with an infrablue movie and run, for example to get dynamic range:
infrapix_render -i BeePondFuschia.mp4 --show_histogram -o BeePondFuschia_NDVI_hist_dynamic-range.mp4
to get fixed range:
infrapix_render -i BeePondFuschia.mp4 --vmin -1.0 --vmax 1.0 --show_histogram -o BeePondFuschia_NDVI_hist_fixed-range.mp4
Wait a really long time... enjoy. Hint, run
infrapix_render -h
for help.