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Meeting Minutes: August 16, 2018

Mukesh Hira edited this page Aug 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

Meeting Time and Location

10 am to 11:30 am PDT (GMT - 7), Barefoot Networks, 4750 Patrick Henry Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054


Barefoot Networks: Jeongkeun Lee, Mickey Spiegel
Cisco Systems: Ramesh Sivakolundu, Andy Fingerhut
IXIA: Chris Sommers
Princeton University: Danny Chen
Surfnet: Ronald Vanderpol
UFRGS: Jonatas Marques
VMware: Mukesh Hira

JK Lee presented INT to the P4 architecture working group on August 15, regarding metadata support in INT v1.0 specification. JK made a follow-up presentation to this at this applications working group meeting, capturing what metadata is supported by P4 Portable Switch Architecture v1.0, what the gaps are with respect to INT and what would be useful to have support for in PSA v1.x from Network Telemetry perspective. JK's slides can be found here

Danny Chen from Princeton University recently submitted open-source code for his heavy-hitter detection algorithm to appear at ICNP 2018. Danny presented his algorithm to the P4 applications working group at this meeting. Danny's slides can be found here

Ramesh Sivakolundu presented two alternative header formats for INT in IPv6 hop-by-hop header. Working group members agreed on the need to support INT using IPv6 hop-by-hop extensions header, but more thought is needed on the header format.

Ramesh Sivakolundu presented a proposal for INT using GRE encapsulation as a mechanism for supporting telemetry on IPv4 traffic. Following questions were raised, although it was felt that support for INT in GRE encapsulation could be added to the INT specification with these caveats -

  • GRE header for INT should include a key to allow for ECMP hashing of the traffic onto multiple paths
  • INT using GRE encapsulation may not satisfy the requirement of tracing the state experienced by native IP traffic that is otherwise not GRE encapsulated, as GRE encapsulation changes the network path taken by the traffic in an ECMP-based fabric

Next Steps

  • Next working group meeting will tentatively be on August 30, 2018. Agenda and location to be announced closer to the date