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Android-Java implementation of the MVVM-Coordinator pattern.

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It's been too hard maintaining the Coordinators Arch implementation in Java and Kotlin.
I decide to only support the Kotlin version so go to

MVVM-C implemented with Compose Multiplatform

Voltus (this is old, visit above links for updated implementation)

Voltus is a research on the MVVM-Coordinator architecture. The idea behind Voltus is making an app by composing it with small modules rather than a full monolithic mass of code. We call this modules Coordinators, and they form a Coordinator Tree that is unique per Activity. The advantage of Coordinators are many, one of them is that you can compile and test them independently, reducing build times.

Module: Coordinator

In this gradle subproject you can see the implementation of the pattern. Coordinators Pattern is basically the State Machine Pattern. Every Coordinator has a list of Sub-Coordinators that enter on stage depending on the actions received from external inputs, Sub-Coordinators can be seen as Sub-State-Machines as well. The ViewModel is a Business Logic encapsulation. ViewModels are units of business rules implementations, Views register to receive events from these ViewModels, but the View doesn't keep any state, they are a window to see the ViewModel state but they don't have this state. It makes the architecture very robust against rotation or any configuration changes. Coordinators and ViewModels are not affected by configuration changes. Every time rotation happens the View Tree is destroyed and recreated. When destroying the Views unsubscribe from ViewModels, then when re-created they re-subscribe to its previous ViewModel.

How to use
  1. First, define your Activity by extending the CoordinatorActivity<Input> class. This is a helper Activity parametrized to the root Coordinator Input type. This Activity handles the root Coordinator lifecycle. Under the hood it uses the Android ViewModel from Architecture Components to persist the Coordinator Tree upon configuration changes.
   public class IntroActivityCoordinator extends Coordinator<IntroCoordinatorBuilder.Component> {
       protected Coordinator onProvideRootCoordinator() {
           // Return an instance of your root Coordinator
           return new IntroCoordinator("INTRO_ACTIVITY_COORDINATOR");
       protected IntroCoordinatorBuilder.Component onProvideRootCoordinatorInput() {
           // Return an instance of your Input.
           IntroCoordinatorBuilder introBuilder = new IntroCoordinatorBuilder(
           IntroCoordinatorBuilder.Component introComponent =
                   new CoordinatorScreenManagerDefault(
                           (ViewGroup) findViewById(
           return introComponent;
  1. Define your root Coordinator by extending a Coordiantor<Input> class and override the Coordinator.onInputStateChange(Input inputInjector)
    AppCompatActivity appCompatActivity;

    public void onInputStateChange(LoginViewModelBuilder.Component injector) {
       // Inject internal dependencies
       // Dispatch the dependency injector to children coordinators
       if (onboardCoordinator != null) {
           OnboardCoordinatorBuilder onboardCoordinatorBuilder = new OnboardCoordinatorBuilder(inputInjector);

       if (loginCoordinator != null) {
           LoginCoordinatorBuilder loginCoordinatorBuilder = new LoginCoordinatorBuilder(inputInjector);

The Input parameter is a Dependency Injector that gets pass down to the whole tree. It basically contains the different Dependencies that will be consumed for every child Coordinator. The provided samples use Dagger2 for this purpose but you can implement your own injector class or use the Service Locator pattern if you are ok with it.

  1. override the Coordinator.start() method. This method is called from a parent Coordinator indicating that this Coordinator is now on stage. In the case of the root Coordinator it will be called from its containing Activity after this one resumes.
     public void start() {
         if (stage == Stage.Idle) {
             stage = Stage.Splash;
     private void showSplashView() {
         SplashFragment splashFragment;
         splashFragment = new SplashFragment();
         screenManager.setView(splashFragment, Constants.SPLASH_FRAGMENT_TAG);

Coordinator.start() is called after Coordinator.onInputStateChange(Input inputInjector), so you can assume all your Coordinator dependencies are injected already. If your Coordinator uses the Activity's ViewTree or in other words, if it is a UI Coordinator. Then make sure an instance of CoordinatorScreenManager is injected(provided) to you. You will use this interface to throw Fragments or ViewGroups into the FragmentContainer of your Activity view layout. The ':modules:common' project has a sample implementation of CoordinatorScreenManager, it's very simple just for the sample purpose. You can implement a richer one using other frameworks like the Google's Navigation Component or any fancy View transition library you find out there.

A Coordinator doesn't care about its parent Coordinator logic, it only do one concern and report back the result by means of a callback listener or contract, that was injected by its parent at some point. The communication between Parent and Child can be also reactive using an Observer-Subject mechanism, that's up to you how you want to expose your result/response to your Listener. This principle makes the Coordinators reusable, since you can insert them anywhere in the app flow.

See the sample apps for most use cases. Start by using one coordinator from the modules independently, and then create compositions of them by creating a parent coordinator that contains more than one child Coordinator or ViewModel as well.


Android-Java implementation of the MVVM-Coordinator pattern.






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