This is a simple bot created using the Tweepy Python3 library for scraping the Twitter API and retweeting the tweets with a specific hashtag, for example #usa2020.
Created by Pablo Corbalan
So, yeah :), that's it! I have created a small bot for retweeting all the tweets that contain a certain hashtag, and as everyone should have done, I have made it open source!.
In this repository I'm storing the code (or the script) that actually runs the bot. The code is 100% automatized, and you will not have to touch it for nothing.
All the configuration of the bot has been externalized to the configuration.json
file, so you will have to change the
json file. Inside the json file you can modify lot's of parameters, for example the hashtag the bot should scrape
from or the language or the tweets, you will also have to type your credentials. You can read about how to get your
Twitter's developer account here. Then you will have to create the application and
get the keys and the tokens. Remember not to publish these keys, and you should not share them to anybody neither.
For running the bot, we are going to use git and python:
# clone the repository using Git
git clone
# move inside the repository
cd twitter-rt-bot/
# edit the configuration file with your credentials and stuff.A
Now, run the
file using the Python3 interpreter:
Last, but not least you can follow me on Twitter as @pablocorbcon.
This program is under the MIT license, read it here.