An complete application for private tutoring teachers. Made with modern, fast, scalable, reliable and DX optimised technologies. Live on:
- Responsive and Mobile First
- Material Design
- Light and Dark themes
- Blazing fast hot-reloading
- Easy and performant form fields' masks and validation
- Fairy themed' animated beautiful login/signup page
- Cool and straightforward Dashboard
- Redux + Saga(only used by react-admin v3 library (recently v4 relase doesnt' need it anymore)
- Testing with Jest
- Localisation
- Typescript
To run this project you need to set the api url on REACT_APP_APIURL
environment variable
If you just wanna play with the front end you can quick run a fake rest api. Add a db.json
file in the root directory with the following data:
"enrollments": [], "teachers": [ { "id": "me" }, { "id": "login" } ], "tutoringtTypes": [], "students": []
then yarn run json-server db.json
to run the API, now in another terminal you can just yarn start
to live preview the app with blazing fast hot reload
- React
- React Boiler Plate
- React Admin
- Vite (for blazing fast hot-reloading)
- Zustant (for the easy & simple theme store/toggle implementation)