Spring Application that exposes a generic entry-point in order to dynamically manage mocked responses for pagoPA platform.
- Java 11
- Spring Boot
- Spring Web
- Hibernate
- docker
from ./docker
sh ./run_docker.sh dev
ℹ️ Note: for PagoPa ACR is required the login az acr login -n <acr-name>
- git
- maven
- jdk-11
Start the springboot application with this command for local test:
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=local
- local: to develop locally, pointing to DEV database.
- default (no profile set): The application gets the properties from the environment (for Azure).
To run the Junit tests:
mvn clean verify
From ./integration-test/src
yarn install
yarn test
install k6 and then from ./performance-test/src
k6 run --env VARS=local.environment.json --env TEST_TYPE=./test-types/load.json main_scenario.js
Made with ❤️ by PagoPa S.p.A.