Releases: pambrose/prometheus-proxy
Releases · pambrose/prometheus-proxy
- Catch and report exceptions on labels json deserialization
- Update ktor and logging jars
- Fix platform type issue
- Default Plain content types to charset UTF-8
- Replace explicit size check with .isNotEmpty() call
- Add charset to JSON values
- Add logging to --debug option
- Update to Kotlin 2.1.0, Ktor 3.0.1, and gRPC 1.68.2
- Change minimum JDK from 17 to 11
- Remove krotodc library
- Convert build.gradle to build.gradle.kts
- Add support for gRPC reflection
- Add support for service discovery labels in pathConfigs
- Update copyright date
- Fix version typo
- Fix detekt complaints
- Misc refactoring
- Update logging and kotlin jars
- Update jars
- Update dependencies, Gradle wrapper, and minor formatting changes.
The changes include updating various dependencies such as Kotlinter, ben-manes.versions, gmazzo.buildconfig, kotlinx.kover, ktor-client, ktor-server, and others to their newer versions.
- Update Kotlin and gRPC versions in build.gradle and
- Refactor configuration handling in 'Agent' and 'Proxy' classes
- Upgrade to kotlin 1.9.20
- Upgrade to kotlinter 4.0.0
- Update jars
Update jars:
Kotlin 1.9.0
ktor 2.3.1
gRPC 1.56.1
Dropwizard 4.2.19
Update gradle to 8.2.1
- Update to kotlin 1.8.21
- Add krotodc data classes
- Update jars
- Upgraded to Kotlin 1.8.20 and updated jars