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yenmoc edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

Simple api to push notification in game

  • Add component NotificationConsole into object has dont destroy to reschedule each time go to background and cancel when back to forceground

  • Type Repeat will fire notification after each number Minute

  • Event OnUpdateDeliveryTime to use when you want to send notification one time with diffirent custom Minute each time such as fire notification in game idle when building house completed. In case you need write your custom method to assign to event by call to API
public void UpdateDeliveryTimeBy(string id, int customTimeSchedule = -1){}
public void UpdateDeliveryTimeBy(int index, int customTimeSchedule = -1){}
public void UpdateDeliveryTimeByIncremental(string id, int indexData, int customTimeSchedule = -1){}
public void UpdateDeliveryTimeByIncremental(int index, int indexData, int customTimeSchedule = -1){}

*Note :

  • Version 2+ require minimum android api support is 22
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