This is an alpha solution enabling effective use of lambdas with mocha in a backwards compatible way
// global '_tst' can now be used where 'this' was before
describe('mocha-lambda', () => {
it('provides "this" as "_tst"', function() {
assert(this === _tst)
beforeEach(() => {
_tst.answer = 42
it('works', () => {
assert(_tst.answer === 42)
it('works with done', done => {
assert(_tst.answer === 42)
it('works with async', async() => {
await someAsync()
var ctx = require('mocha-lambda')
// 'ctx' is a function that returns mocha 'this' context when called
describe('mocha-lambda', () => {
it('provides "this" as "_tst"', function() {
assert(this === ctx())
beforeEach(() => {
ctx().answer = 42
it('works', () => {
assert(_tst.answer === 42)
// 'ctx()' can also change name of global
describe('mocha-lambda', () => {
it('provides "this" as "_tst"', function() {
assert(this === mo)
beforeEach(() => {
mo.answer = 42
it('works', () => {
assert(mo.answer === 42)
If mocha interface needs to be explicitly imported, import from 'mocha-lamba' rather than 'mocha' (if this project is merged into mocha, this wont be required)
import ctx, {describe as d, it as i, beforeEach as b} from 'mocha-lambda'
d('mocha-lambda', () => {
i('provides "this" as "_tst"', function() {
assert(this === t)
b(() => {
t.answer = 42
i('works', () => {
assert(mo.answer === 42)