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Valentin Ballestrino edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 9 revisions

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You can generate the table partials to edit shown fields or the whole table view with the following generator :

rails g para:table <your_model_name>

The table is built with helpers to simplify the markup. You can either configure the table with the existing helpers or replace it by a plain HTML table.

Customizing table rows actions

In the generated output, use the :actions option of the resources_table helper.

Whitelist actions (:edit, :delete) :

= resources_table(model: model, component: component, actions: [:edit]) do |table|

Or disable all actions :

= resources_table(model: model, component: component, actions: false) do |table|

Making the rows orderable

Please refer to the Ordering models page to implement orderable behavior on your model, and the table will automatically be orderable.

You can disable ordering on an orderable model (yes ...) with the :orderable option of the resources_table helper :

= resources_table(model: model, component: component, orderable: false) do |table|

Customizing automatic cell data output

You can change the behavior of the table.data_for helper that generates you cell data.

The first method is to simply override output data with a custom one, allowing you to insert any random data :

# Before
= table.data_for(resource, :name)

# After
= table.data_for(resource.full_name)

The second one, is to force the field to use a specific field type, which will change its output :

= table.data_for(resource, :created_at, :date)

The enum type

One specific example is the enum one, which allows you to translate enum values of your model's attributes.

# With resource being an `Order` model
= table.data_for(resource, :state, :enum)

Then in your translations use the following translation key (activerecord.enums.<model_i18n_key>.<field_name>.<field_value>) :

        payment: "Payment pending"
        ready: "Ready to be shipped"
        shipped: "Shipped"

Sorting columns

All the fields of the table that are columns in the model's table, i.e. which are attributes and not just dynamic methods, are automatically sortable in the table.

Note : Para uses Ransack under the hood with the sort_link view helper.

You may want to customize that behavior in 2 ways :

1. Make a column not sortable

= table.header_for(:name, sort: false)

2. Force the sorting on a specific column

Let's say we have a model Event which belongs to Place, and Place has a column name.

In our events table, we may want to see the the place name, and allow users to order the events depending on its place.

This can be achived easily with the following :sort option configuration :

= table.header_for(:place, sort: :place_name)

Note : all what you pass to the :sort option in the header_for method is passed to the sort_link helper, if you want to pass multiple arguments to the Ransack's sort_link helper, just pass the :sort option an array with the different arguments.

Customize search and / or add filters

Para includes Ransack by default for easy search and filtering generation.

To customize the search, you need to generate the filters partial for your resource with :

rails g para:filters <your_model_name>

A partial containing the search form will be create, where you'll be able to add fields and customize your search form. Note that except for Ransack, no specific tool is provided, but using Ransack will allow you not to have to touch the controller code.

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