• Enterprise resource planning for Fees Management System and Attendance Tracking Year: 2016
o Developed an ERP system using ASP .net 5.0/ SQL Server which create an interface between students, faculty members and parents.
o Modules: Admin, Principal, Hod’s, Faculty, Parents, Student.
o Provides features to view the student progress report monthly, pending dues, daily record-based attendance, class-councillor details and many more.
o API PayPal used for online fees payment.
The main objective of this project is to create an interface between students, faculty members and parents. This project helps students to view their fees structure and they are also able to mark their daily lectures attendance online. Parents can log in this website and should be able to view their child’s report which includes (pending fees, current attendance, call-councilor details etc.). Parents should be able to pay fees online via online transaction system and can print receipt of the same. They can directly contact their child’s respective CC, all the necessary details of CC is effectively available on the website. Principal and HODs can use this ERP system to manage various college related activities. HODs are able to assign teachers to different classes, manage substitution of teachers in case of an unavailability of already assigned teacher.