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MaFFiN is a Node.JS server that implements the Media Fragment W3C Recommendation.

It supports temporal (npt) and track fragment, both in hash and query format.

See my slides.

MaFFiN is the acronym of MediA Fragment FIlesystem Node.JS server


  • A recent version of Node.js
  • A MongoDb database running on your machine (or on a reachable host)
  • A recent build of ffmpeg, that includes ffprobe


Please install dependencies with

npm install

You need also to setup the file config.json:

    "app_options": {
        "input_dir": "D:\\video\\",           \\ input video path
        "output_dir": "D:\\video\\tmp\\",     \\ temporary output video path
        "mongo_host": "localhost",            \\ host where MongoDb is running
        "mongo_port": 27017,                  \\ port where MongoDb is running
        "frag_ttl": 60                        \\ how much time output video must be deleted after (in seconds)
    "ffmpeg_path": {
        "ffmpeg": "C:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe",  \\ ffmpeg build path
        "ffprobe": "C:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffprobe.exe" \\ ffprobe build path
    "debug": true                             \\ if false, it hides some logs on Node.js console

Please make sure that input_dir and output_dir exist on your filesystem.


This server supports the most common containers and codecs for web videos:

  • MP4 with H264 video codec
  • WebM with VP8 video codec
  • Ogg with Theora video codec

How to use

set DEBUG = maffin
node www

Than just try to run Media Fragments on your browser. Some examples:

  • localhost:3000/video/video.mp4?t=10,20
  • localhost:3000/video/video.mp4#t=10,20
  • localhost:3000/video/video.mp4?t=10,40#t=0,10