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Start with a batch of 20. Will make a new batch if the previous has been surpassed.

After every rounds of not-Right's, there will be unlimited repeat drills until you get everything Right. Additionally, if too many wrongs (10), the repeat drill will start earlier.

No typo checking. However, there is a middle-way button, "Not Sure".

  • ESC for Not Sure / Skip
  • Ctrl+Z for undo and redo later (at the end of the queue)
  • F1 or F5 to end session and start the repeat drill or a new session.
  • Mulitple answers if applicable, separated by ;.
  • User vocabularies can be put at /user/vocab/**/*.txt, and will be added to Due queue (if the entries exist in the dictionary)
  • Skip lists can be put at /user/skip/**/*.txt, and will be skipped. For example, if the vocab are accidentally added to the SRS.

Due Quiz

New Quiz

Repeat Quiz

Note taking is powered by markdown. The content may be copy+pasted from websites in Dictionary links.


Vocab list ideas



Technically, only fsrs difficulty < 6 is counted as learned. Accuracy is learned/started.

Hanzi learned is calculated from

  1. Used in at least 5 vocabularies
  2. Learned as a vocabulary with lone or repeated Hanzi
  3. Used in at least 3 vocabularies

Progression stats can be seen in the console. Packaged releases also have the console.