oneshot easy zip uploader
transferring a file can quickly become a puzzle... izizipup tends to solve this difficulty in a simple way. of course, the sender must be able to contact izizipup (firewall et cetera...).
izizipup is a little Python script based on the Flask and Apscheduler modules.
# pip3 install flask apscheduler
# curl -L > /usr/local/bin/izizipup
# less /usr/local/bin/izizipup
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/izizipup
# izizipup
warning: using root account !
usage: izizipup [-p PORT] (-b IPv4 | -u URL) filename
izizipup: error: the following arguments are required: filename
must be part of thePATH
variable, which is usually the case.curl -L
can be replaced bywget -O-
$ pip3 install --user flask apscheduler
$ curl -L > ~/.local/bin/izizipup
$ less ~/.local/bin/izizipup
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/izizipup
$ izizipup
usage: izizipup [-p PORT] (-b IPv4 | -u URL) filename
izizipup: error: the following arguments are required: filename
must be part of thePATH
$ python3 -m venv izizipup
$ source izizipup/bin/activate
$ pip install flask apscheduler
$ curl -L > izizipup/bin/izizipup
$ sed -i -e "1i#\!$( readlink -e izizipup/ )/bin/python" -e 1d izizipup/bin/izizipup
$ less izizipup/bin/izizipup
$ chmod +x izizipup/bin/izizipup
$ izizipup
usage: izizipup [-p PORT] (-b IPv4 | -u URL) filename
izizipup: error: the following arguments are required: filename
replaces the system python interpreter by the one of the virtual environment.
$ izizipup --help
usage: izizipup [-h] [-p PORT] (-b IPv4 | -u URL) filename
Start izizipup : oneshot easy zip uploader
positional arguments:
filename where to store uploaded file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT PORT to listen (default 5000)
-b IPv4, --bind IPv4 IPv4 address to bind (default to with URL)
-u URL, --url URL URL if proxied
izizipup expects at least two parameters:
- the name of the file in which the transfer will be saved (eg.
)- either the IPv4 address on which to listen when it is used in frontend (eg.
-b IPv4
or--bind IPv4
) - either the URL which must be used when it is used in backend (eg.
-u URL
or--url URL
- either the IPv4 address on which to listen when it is used in frontend (eg.
address andURL
are mutually exclusive.
izizipup starts two time counters that will interrupt the service if the expected request has not occurred within the allotted time.
the first time counter waits 3 minutes for an HTML GET request.
waiting 3min for GET...
the second time counter, triggered at the arrival of the expected HTML GET request, waits 15 minutes for an HTML POST request.
waiting 3min for GET...
… - - [17/Dec/2020 15:44:13] "GET /0e022145-5dcc-4008-94d4-4210e031121f HTTP/1.1" 200 -
GET ok, waiting now 15min for POST...
when the expected HTML GET request occurs within the allotted time, a small and basic upload form is sent back to the sender (eg. the client).
when izizipup works this way (eg. IPv4
address), it is directly exposed.
$ ip addr show dev wlan0
2: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 93:55:8D:56:95:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlan0
valid_lft 61115sec preferred_lft 50315sec
$ izizipup -b /tmp/long-awaited-file
waiting 3min for GET...
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
the highlighted URL
can be shared with the sender who will have 3 minutes to retrieve the upload form and then 15 minutes to upload the file to be transferred.
the port can of course be a privileged port.
$ sudo izizipup -b -p 80 /tmp/long-awaited-file
[sudo] password for user:
warning: using root account !
waiting 3min for GET...
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
warning: using root account !
is issued in this case.
when izizipup works this way (eg. URL
), it is usually proxied (behind Apache or Nginx for example).
$ izizipup -u http://www.domain.tld/location/ /tmp/long-awaited-file
waiting 3min for GET...
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
like in frontend, the highlighted URL http://www.domain.tld/location/d761df3e-1193-44e4-b9cb-3997d4e17d72
can be shared with the sender who will have 3 minutes to retrieve the upload form and then 15 minutes to upload the file to be transferred.
https can be used here if the frontend server supports it.
izizipup -u https://www.domain.tld/izizipup/ /tmp/long-awaited-file
waiting 3min for GET...
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
adapt and add this directive to your Apache configuration:
ProxyPass "/izizipup/" ""
adapt and add the following location block to your Nginx configuration:
location /izizipup/ {
client_max_body_size 256M;