This repo is part of a larger script to changes in the files must be reviewed.
If you are looking of the previous version check branch basic.
This docker-compose should be used with WebProxy (the NGINX Proxy):
After everything is settle, and you have your three containers running (proxy, generator and letsencrypt) you do the following:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Update the service name in your docker-compose.yml file VERY IMPORTANT
You must use any name, but make sure it is a unique service name in your environment, otherwise it will conflict with other services.
- Configure your .env file:
Copy .env.sample to .env and update with your data
The proxy network must match the network name you have set in the proxy settings.
- Start your project
docker-compose up -d
Be patient - when you first run this repo, the database might take sometime to launch and the process of getting a new certificate for your domain might take some time.
Make sure the wordpress data files has user and group set to www-data, so you could update, install, delete files from your admin panel.
WebProxy - docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
wp-cli (
For whoever uses wp-cli here is how to implement it on this repo.
Test to see if it´s working
If you would, add the alias "wp" to your .bash_aliases
alias wp="docker-compose run --rm wpcli"
Next time you need to run a wp-cli command just go to where you have your docker-compose file and run a wp
Running docker on Azure servers you must mount your database in your disks partitions (example: /mnt/data/
) so your db container can work. This is a some kind of issue regarding Hyper-V sharing drivers... not really sure why.