- Install NPM, Node, Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, Angular-generator, Cordova, Ruby, SASS, Compass globally. anyting else???
$ npm install -g grunt $ npm install -g bower $ npm install -g yo $ npm install -g generator-angular $ npm install -g cordova
- Install Git and add to path - should already be done if you have access to this project
- Install gitHub for Windows also - same caveat as above
- Install Java 7 SDK and set JAVA_HOME and add to path
- Install ANT and set ANT_HOME and add to path
- Install IOS SDK, maybe in future if I own a Mac and can build for IOS!!!!
- Install Android SDK
- Then using SDK manager enable v19
- Then create a AVD using AVD manager to use as your emulator
There will be teething problems. TODO: try it out from another machine and update here...
I mainly followed this tuorial and