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ESP32 Weather Station

That project is a weather station (getting data from displayed on an e-ink screen.

The main advantage of using an eink screen is that display stays, even if esp32 is powered down. So the ESP32 is waking up, fetch weather data, update screen and sleeps for one hour. Also, refresh is stopped from around midnight to 6 a.m.

Here’s the hackaday project page including pictures.

Hardware components are :

Optionally, it can also fetch local temperature from an Oregon Scientific sensor using an RF module 433Mhz connected to PIN 5 (and update parameters.h by uncommenting a line). Thanks to wonderful ErriezOregonTHN128 library !

Arduino env

use Board "ESP32 Dev Module" to build with Arduino IDE.

Use GxEPD2 in version 1.4.9 (compilation error for that screen with version 1.5.x)

Copy parameters.h.dist to parameters.h and update it with your wifi settings and update the URL (you need to change lat/lng and set your OpenWeatherMap API token).

I’m using the nice GxEPD2 library from ZinggJM. Thanks

Weather API


Icons are official icons from OpenWeatherMap.

To be able to open them correctly in GxEPD2, I convert them using LCD Assistant with byte orientation set to horizontal and big endian settings. It can be opened via wine (by adding 32 bits architecture).


Fonts are from Adafruit-GFX-Library-fontconvert project.

HTTP request & JSON parsing

HTTPS request


A weather station based on an esp32 and a waveshare e-ink screen





