./gradlew bootRun -i
The response type of the products API is a paginated list. Default page size is 25. Default sort is by title.
Return all the products: curl 'localhost:8080/products'
All query params are optional Example of all the query params in use: curl 'localhost:8080/products?pageSize=2&page=0&priceGreaterThan=5&sort=title'
If you request sorting by a field that does not exist then you will get a 400 response e.g. curl -v 'localhost:8080/products?sort=foo'
To build the docker image locally, run
To run the docker image:
docker container run --publish 8080:8080 papi:latest
There is a pipeline set up to auto build/deploy this code
curl https://matches-product-api-a6tmrbnexa-ew.a.run.app/products