PURPOSE: Replicate the results obtained in:
David Adamec and James J. O'Brien (1978). The Seasonal Upwelling in the Gulf of Guinea Due to Remote Forcing Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 8, 1050-1060.
for the course Numerical Modeling of the Atmosphere of the bachelor in Atmospheric Sciences - University of the Republic (Uruguay).
It consists of a linear model on an equatorial beta plane integrated over a 100-days period in a basin that approximates the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
The motion is described by the shallow water equations, discretized in a staggered grid in space (type C). For the time derivative a leapfrog scheme (leapfrog.m) is considered. Every 30 iterations, the Matsuno scheme (matsuno.m) is used.
Figures are made to show the results.
A stability analysis is made.