Code to accompany All entangled states can demonstrate non-classical teleportation
This repository provides a (very) small collection of code which implements the semidefinite program presented in the article
All Entangled States can Demonstrate Nonclassical Teleportation.
Daniel Cavalcanti, Paul Skrzypczyk, and Ivan Šupić
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110501 (2017)
All code is written in MATLAB and requires:
It has been tested on Matlab R2016b, and CVX 2.1
The code comprises the following:
- genTeleportationData: generates the unnormalised states prepared for Bob, when Alice performs a joint measurement on the (unknown) input state and her half of a shared state.
- teleportationRandomRobustness: calculates the random teleportation robustness of a given set of teleportation data.
Slides from a presentation about this work can be found here.