Lest we forget...
!jupyter kernelspec list
magic for lightweight persistence. %store -r
to retrieve. (https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/extensions/storemagic.html)
!echo y | jupyter kernelspec uninstall geopandas-0.8-2022-10-20
# Drop NA from Dataframe
df.dropna(thresh=2) #Drop row if it does not have at least two values that are **not** NaN
data2 = data.dropna(subset = ['review_scores_rating']) #drop row is column contains NaN
# remove data that are 3 s.d. away from mean
def zscore(sample):
mean = sample.mean()
std = sample.std()
return (sample - mean) / std
to_drop = data[(zscore(data.square_feet)<3) & (zscore(data.price)<3)]
# scaling dataframe columns
# cont_vars = column names as list of strings
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
stander = StandardScaler()
pd.DataFrame(stander.fit_transform(data[cont_vars]), columns=cont_vars)
Ignore warnings after first warning
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action='once') # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9031783/hide-all-warnings-in-ipython
latboxes = [[-90,-30],[-30,0],[0,30],[30,90]]
midpt_lat = np.zeros(len(latboxes))
for ivar in range(0,len(latboxes)):
midpt_lat[ivar] = (latboxes[ivar][1] - latboxes[ivar][0])/2 + latboxes[ivar][0]
ann_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables = [midpt_lat, midpt_p, ann_vals.index], names=['latbox_deg', 'pbox_hpa', 'time'])
ann_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(ntimes//12*3*4), index=ann_index, columns=['oh'])
# assign a series to a set of indices
ann_data.loc[latmid, pmid/100., tmp_vals.index[ivar]]['oh'] = trends.data[ivar]
dataFrame = pd.DataFrame({'col1':np.arange(0,10), 'col2':np.arange(10,20)})
dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(zip(np.arange(0,10), np.arange(10,20)), columns=['col1','col2'])
start_end_years = [[1950,1975], [1979,2014]]
for start_end_year in start_end_years:
start_year = start_end_year[0]
end_year = start_end_year[-1]
ssh USER@lander.monsoon-metoffice.co.uk "ssh xcsc \" cd && tar cf - NO_aircrft_anthropogenic_1849_2015_time_series.nc \" " | tar xvf -
search ``` ^(.*)(\n\1)+$ ```
replace ``` $1 ```
# create xarray data frame
coords=[ljw_aod.time, ljw_aod.latitude, ljw_aod.longitude],
dims=['time', 'lat', 'lon'])
On chunking: Dask pages
With analysis pipelines involving both spatial subsetting and temporal resampling, dask performance can become very slow in certain cases. Here are some optimization tips we have found through experience:
Do your spatial and temporal indexing (e.g. .sel() or .isel()) early in the pipeline, especially before calling resample() or groupby(). Grouping and rasampling triggers some computation on all the blocks, which in theory should commute with indexing, but this optimization hasn’t been implemented in dask yet. (See dask issue #746).
Save intermediate results to disk as a netCDF files (using to_netcdf()) and then load them again with open_dataset() for further computations. For example, if subtracting temporal mean from a dataset, save the temporal mean to disk before subtracting. Again, in theory, dask should be able to do the computation in a streaming fashion, but in practice this is a fail case for the dask scheduler, because it tries to keep every chunk of an array that it computes in memory. (See dask issue #874)
Specify smaller chunks across space when using open_mfdataset() (e.g., chunks={'latitude': 10, 'longitude': 10}). This makes spatial subsetting easier, because there’s no risk you will load chunks of data referring to different chunks (probably not necessary if you follow suggestion 1).
def ks_mask_out_insig(cube1, cube2, nyears1, nyears2):
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
import iris
conf = 0.2
lats = cube1.coord('latitude').points
lons = cube2.coord('longitude').points
store_base1 = cube1.data.data
store_anom1 = cube2.data.data
# If the difference between the baseline and anomaly ensembles is statistically significant
# at the 95% confidence level according to a K-S test don't stipple, ie set mask = 0.
for a in range(len(lats)):
for b in range(len(lons)):
if pval1<conf:
return store_statmask1
def masked_mean_3d(base_cube,expt_cube, t_cut):
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
T_vals,P_vals=scipy.stats.ttest_ind(base, expt, axis=0, equal_var=False)
# If the p-value is greater than the threshold, then we accept the null hypothesis of equal averages and MASK OUT
# see https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.stats.mstats.ttest_ind.html
mask_out_for_insig=np.ones([len(lat), len(lon0)], dtype=np.float64)
while i < len(lat):
while j < len(lon0):
if P_vals[i,j] > P_test:
# print("!!!")
mask_out_for_insig[i,j] = 0.
j = j+1
i = i+1
return mask_out_for_insig
import xarray as xr
press=xr.open_dataset(disk+'xnktd_p.nc', chunks = {'time': 12})
press['mask'] = xr.ones_like(press.p)
press['mask'] = press.mask.where(press.level_height<tropht.trop_hgt,other=0.)
press.mask.to_netcdf(jobid+'_mask.nc',encoding={"mask": {"dtype": "f8"}})
2021-08-11 - categorical colorbar
map = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=-120.,llcrnrlat=0.,urcrnrlon=70.,urcrnrlat=60.)
# convert 1D matrices into 2D fill matrices for processing:
x,y = (NA_toar_data.lon.data, NA_toar_data.lat.data)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
xx, yy = map(xx, yy)
map.pcolormesh(xx, yy, TOAR_trend_sig, cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('PuOr_r', 2), alpha=0.75)
target_names=['Not significant', 'Statistically significant']
# This function formatter will replace integers with target names
formatter = plt.FuncFormatter(lambda val, loc: target_names[val])
# We must be sure to specify the ticks matching our target names
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 1], format=formatter, shrink=0.5);
# Set the clim so that labels are centered on each block
plt.clim(-0.5, 1.5)
import os
# The notifier function
def notify(title, subtitle, message):
t = '-title {!r}'.format(title)
s = '-subtitle {!r}'.format(subtitle)
m = '-message {!r}'.format(message)
os.system('terminal-notifier {}'.format(' '.join([m, t, s])))
# Calling the function
notify(title = 'A Real Notification',
subtitle = 'with python',
message = 'Hello, this is me, notifying you!')
for filename in $1*.nc; do
ncatted -h -a contact,global,o,c,"Paul Griffiths paul.griffiths@ncas.ac.uk" ${filename}
ncatted -h -a institution,global,o,c,"National Centre for Atmospheric Science" ${filename}
ncatted -h -a project,global,o,c,"UKRI NERC C-CLEAR DTP, grant reference number: NE/S007164/1" ${filename}
ncatted -h -a model,global,o,c,"Data were generated using the UK Earth System Model version 1 (UKESM-1) at N96 horizontal resolution over global domain." ${filename}
ncatted -h -a model_description,global,o,c,"Staniaszek et al. (2021) Climate and air quality benefits from a net-zeroanthropogenic methane emissions scenario" ${filename}
ncatted -h -a run,global,o,c,"uby186 is a climate simulation for Year 2000 with methane emissions" ${filename}
ncatted -h -a run_experiment,global,o,c,"NZAME - Year 2015-2050 with Net-Zero anthropogenic methane emissions" ${filename}
# script to :
# generate maps of averaged monthly data
# generate maps of annual anomalies from all years' mean
# generate maps of standard deviation of monthly data from all years' mean
cd /work/n02/n02/ptg21/xin_data
cd ${work_dir}
echo '\nworking dir is \t'${work_dir}
year_array='1 2'
for zzYear in ${year_array}; do
month_array='jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec'
# generate a string containing files to be averaged, rms-ed
for zzMonth in ${month_array}; do
files=${files}' '${model}${stream}${zzYear}${zzMonth}'.nc'
echo '\nconcatenating the following files to form ' ${all_file}', anomalies and std dev'
echo 'generating averages over years' ${year_array} 'and months' ${month_array} '\n'
ncrcat -O ${files} ${all_file}
# First construct the annual mean of tracer18 from the various input files
# need to specifiy explicitly time dimension? apparently not
echo '\naveraging records \n'
ncra -O -v tracer18 ${all_file} ${ave_file}
for zzYear in ${year_array}; do
echo 'Processing year '${zzYear}
# generate a string containing files to be averaged, rms-ed
for zzMonth in ${month_array}; do
ncbo -O -v tracer18 ${file} ${ave_file} ${anom_file}
files=${files}' '${anom_file}
# concatenate records to give a 12 month series of monthly anomalies from all-years' mean
ncrcat -O ${files} ${annual_anom_file}
# generate the standard deviation from all years' mean
# Note the use of `-y rmssdn' (rather than `-y rms')
# the final step. This ensures the standard deviation
# is correctly normalized by one fewer than the number of time samples.
ncra -O -y rmssdn -v tracer18 ${annual_anom_file} ${annual_mean_std_dev_file}
# average anomalies to give a year average anomaly from all years' mean
ncra -O -v tracer18 ${annual_anom_file} ${annual_anom_file}
# average standard deviations to give a year average standard deviation
ncra -O -v tracer18 ${annual_mean_std_dev_file} ${annual_mean_std_dev_file}
echo '\ntidying up \n'
#tidy up by removing monthly dev files
for zzYear in ${year_array}; do
for zzMonth in ${month_array}; do
rm ${file}
remove dim_0 error in netCDF generated from malformed PP files - see here
for zzFilename in u-bh443*_tas.nc; do
[ -e "$zzFilename" ] || continue
# ... rest of the loop body
echo ${zzFilename} ${zzFilename}.fix
ncks -O -x -v dim0,surface_temp_0,time_0,forecast_period_0_bnds,forecast_period_0,time_0_bnds ${zzFilename} ${zzFilename}.fix
fix time not being a record dimension in other Iris extracts
for zzFilename in u-br799*.nc; do
[ -e "$zzFilename" ] || continue
# ... rest of the loop body
echo ${zzFilename} ${zzFilename}.fix
ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time ${zzFilename} ${zzFilename}.fix