Proxy server for secure access to http backend or some contents, with authorization on external OAuth2 servers. It's similar to oauth2-proxy project.
- Several OAuth2 providers simultaneously can be used.
- Doesn't require provider to support OIDC as in oauth2-proxy. User email field can be specified in provider configuration.
- Uses Amphp v3 asynchronous framework, so quite performant.
- Configuration via env file.
- Multiple backend handlers can be configured at the same time:
- Http upstream server
- Server file browser with directory navigation and file viewer.
- Http file server
- PHP runner backend
- Access control is configurable.
- Some well known OAuth2 providers are available:
- Google, Yandex, Keycloak, Github
- Typical OAuth2 provider may be configured without coding.
- Multiple host names can be used when it works behind trusted proxy.
Copy .env.example
file to .env
and change variable values.
OA2T_HTTP_PORT=8089 # external http port of container
OA2T_HTTP_ADDRESS=${OA2T_HTTP_PORT} # server socket bind address
OA2T_HTTP_ROOT_URL= # url with default hostname. Url path can also be specified. So all urls will be mounted to that path.
OA2T_POST_LOGIN_URL= # if empty then url dynamically detected
# multiple backend types can be configured
#OA2T_LOCATIONS='[["/", "proxy", ""]]' # secured http backend
#OA2T_LOCATIONS='[["/", "browser", "/app"]]' # server file browser backend. directory navigation and file viewer.
#OA2T_LOCATIONS='[["/", "statics", "/app"]]' # http file server backend
#OA2T_LOCATIONS='[["/index.php", "php", "/index.php"]]' # php runner backend
OA2T_ACCESS_CONTROL='{"/": true}' # access control rules. by default authorization is required, but some locations can be configured for public access
OA2T_EMAIL_DOMAINS=* # allowed user email domains, comma separated values
OA2T_EMAILS_ALLOWED=* # allowed user emails, comma separated values
OA2T_COOKIE_SECURE=false # cookie secure flag
OA2T_COOKIE_EXPIRE=PT33H # cookie and session duration, in PHP DateInterval format
OA2T_PROVIDERS='["google", "yandex", "keycloak"]' # configured OAuth providers. Provider identifiers in json array
OA2T_TRUSTED_FORWARDERS=,, # accept forwarded-x http headers from these proxies
OA2T_ACCESS_LOG=./access.log # access log file name
OA2T_APP_LOG=php://stdout # application log file name
## OAuth2 providers configuration
OA2T_PROVIDERS_KEYCLOAK_SCOPES='["openid", "profile", "email"]'
make build_image && make up
- For each required OAuth provider register client with redirect url.
Redirect page address ishttps://<oauth2-tier-host>/oauth2/callback/<provider>
, where<provider>
is an identifier of provider inproviders.yaml
Note: some providers support insecure http protocol and LAN host ip addresses. - Edit
env variables. - Restart application:
make reup
Demo application is available as preconfigured docker compose services. Authorization goes with Keycloak provider.
- Run demo:
make build_image; cd docker/demo; docker compose up -d
- Open proxy page
- Error page (status 401) must be shown.
- Follow the
link to page. - Try to login with keycloak provider using
credentials. - Backend resources will be available after successful login.
Server doesn't support https by itself, but it can works behind https reverse proxy. Example of nginx proxy is below.
server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
location / {
proxy_pass; # oauth2-tier server
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port;
proxy_set_header connection keep-alive;
Following url endpoints are available.
/oauth2/sign_in # Sign in page with provider selection.
/oauth2/sign_out # Sign out
/oauth2/start # Page starts OAuth2 sequence with redirect to provider
/oauth2/callback/{provider} # OAuth2 redirect page. For google it will be https://<your-host>/oauth2/callback/google
/ping # Health check page. Prints 'pong'.
All other urls are handled by configured backends.