A small and simple Webinterface for the amavisd-release
copy following to your apache's html folder on your mailserver
- file: index.php
- folders incl. files: css include php
rename include/config.php.example to include/config.php and edit to suit your needs
select Captcha service and add the keys in include/config.php
- Google: create a reCaptcha api and secret key @ https://www.google.com/recaptcha
- hCaptcha: create site and secret key @ https://dashboard.hcaptcha.com/
- FriendlyCaptcha: create site and secret key @ https://friendlycaptcha.com/
copy the amavisd-new templates from amavis-templ to your amavisd-new template or config folder
customize the templates and the php files for your needs (title, links etc)
activate the templates in
(example)$notify_virus_admin_templ = read_text("/etc/amavisd/template-virus-admin.txt");
$notify_virus_recips_templ = read_text("/etc/amavisd/template-virus-recipient.txt");
add the apache user to the sudoer file and allow
sudo amavisd-release <ID> [<RCPT>]
without password:- example #1
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/amavisd-release
- example #2 (different user and path)
apache ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/amavisd-release
optional: setup regular notification of content of quarantine, more details can be found in folder: cron
have fun!
If the Mail user get the amavis notification, he can click on the release link and can release the mail from quarantine after a captcha verification.