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pbroadbery edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 6 revisions

Aldor/Spad intellij idea plugin

See the README file for some information.

Use Intellij 2017.3 or later.

Getting started (Fricas)

  • Download and install zip file as a plugin into a working intellij distribution (2017.3 or later).
  • Create a new Fricas SDK (under file/project structure) - this should point an installed fricas - use the architecture specific directory - eg. //opt/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux
  • Create a new Simple Spad project (File/New Project),
  • Create a .input file
  • The "Run" menu will allow you to run it. There's a couple of options for controlling this in the Edit Run Configuration dialog.

It will also handle editing spad files. Useful keybindings:

  • Ctrl-H - type browser (there's two views for this - tree and flat - use icon at top left of hierarchy to switch)
  • Ctrl-Q - documentation (finds the '++' docco in source code, also a link to the fricas site
  • Ctrl-N - Find type
  • Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N - Find symbol (and instant RSI)
  • Ctrl- - Completion (not 100% yet, misses a lot of things)

Alternatively, you can edit files in the fricas source code - best way is to create a project of type "Fricas Git Module" and point at a checked out code base.

Getting started (aldor)

Best way to get started is to set up an Aldor or Fricas github clone.

For Aldor, create an intellij project in the parent directory...


Version 1

  • Highlighting for most files (Spad/Aldor) (DONE)
  • Navigation of top level domains (Spad) (DONE)
  • Documentation for all top level domains (Spad/Aldor) (DONE)
  • Renames for parameters (Spad), all identifiers (Aldor)
  • Basic build environment (Aldor)

Version 2

  • more stuff
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