This library is a simple php programming object oriented of "" application.
For full documentation read the wiki
You first must add the library to your composer.json:
"require": {
"pcabreus/whatsapp-api": "~0.1"
Then you need to install the library with composer.
After that you can use the WhatsAppApi class like this:
//Create the service
$whatsAppApi = new WhatsAppApi();
//Configure the connexion with the user credentials
$whatsAppApi->config("1123456789", "pcabreus", "this-is-secret", false);
//Send a message to a contact
$whatsAppApi->sendMessage("1987654321", "This is a message", WhatsAppApi::MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT);
//Or you cant send a message to a group of contact
$numbers = array("1987654321", "44123456789");
$whatsAppApi->sendMessage($numbers, "This message go to many users", WhatsAppApi::MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT);
More documentation...