A simple stats interface for Yodel.
Yodel Stats is a simple Express 4.x server intended to run on Node 0.10.x and above. It requires connections to Redis and MySQL servers.
Of the 5 supported config files, only 2 are required. All have corresponding sample files in the config directory.
- knexfile.js (required)
- session.json (required)
- redis_session.json (optional)
- redis_subscriber.json (optional)
- sentry.json (optional)
The redis_subscriber config needs to be pointed at the same Redis DB as your redis_events config in Yodel.
Ensure that you have MySQL and Redis running, and that you're MySQL server has a database matching you're knexfile. At that point, install npm packages and run the DB migration:
npm install
You should be ready to start Yodel Stats now. That can be accomplished with the following command:
Yodel Stats also supports the following options:
-h, --help output usage information
-e, --environment <env> Node Environment (defaults to development)