Px4 Offboard interaction with mavros in raspberry py
apt list --installed ros-kinetic* | grep upgradable | sed s#/.*## | xargs sudo apt install -y
Go to the simulation folder and build the docker image in local (This can be used to test the catkin make if you dont' have ros installed in your system)
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t px4sim ..
Then you can run the docker container and launch the ros nodes
docker run -p 11311:11311 --name px4sim -it px4sim bash
Start mavros inside docker
nohup roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14540@" &
Source the catkin repo
source /home/user/ckws/devel/setup.bash
Launch rc controller node
rosrun rc_controller rc_controller_node