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Pedro's Choice - ReactJS Snippets

This extension contains a selections of the best ReactJS Snippets chosen by Pedro.


Prefix Renders
rfc → Creates a React Function Component
rfcall → Creates a React Function Component with useCallback, useEffect and useState
rfceffect → Creates a React Function Component with useEffect hook
rfcstate → Creates a React Function Component with useState hook
itf → Creates a new Interface (TS only)
uca → useCallback hook
uef → useEffect hook
ume → useMemo hook
ust → useState hook

Styled Components

Prefix Renders
sty → Creates a Styled Components File
sdiv → Creates a new Styled Div
stynative → Creates a Styled Components File (React Native)
sview → Creates a new Styled View (React Native)

Redux - Thunk

Prefix Renders
rxtype → Creates a Redux Type File
rxreducer → Creates a Redux Reducer File
rxaction → Creates a Redux Action File

Full Expansions


  • rfc - Create React Functional Component
export function |(){
  return (
      <h1>Hello - |</h1>
  • rfcall - Create React Functional Component with useCallback, useEffect and useState
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';

export function |(){
  const [myState, setMyState] = useState('');

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const myCallback = useCallback(() => {
  }, [myState]);

  return (
      <h1>Hello - |</h1>
  • rfceffect - Create React Functional Component with useEffect
import { useEffect } from 'react';

export function |(){
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (
      <h1>Hello - |</h1>
  • rfcstate - Create React Functional Component with useState
import { useState } from 'react';

export function |(){
  const [myState, setMyState] = useState('');

  return (
      <h1>Hello - |</h1>
  • itf - Creates a new Interface
interface | {
  myProps?: boolean;
  • uca - useCallback hook
const | = useCallback(() => {

}, []);
  • uef - useEffect hook
useEffect(() => {

}, []);
  • ume - useMemo hook
const | = useMemo(() => {

}, []);
  • ust - useState hook
const [|, set|] = useState();
//Press Tab to apply CamelCase. e.g. [state, setState]

Styled Components

  • sty - Creates a Styled Components File
import styled from 'styled-components';

export const div = styled.div``;
  • sdiv - Creates a new Styled div
export const | = styled.div``;
  • stynative - Creates a Styled Components File for React Native
import styled from 'styled-components/native';

export const div = styled.View``;
  • sview - Creates a new Styled View
export const | = styled.View``;

Redux - Thunk

  • rxtype - Creates a Redux Type File
export const START_FETCH = '@|/START_FETCH';
export const DONE_FETCH = '@|/DONE_FETCH';
export const GET_DATA = '@|/GET_DATA';

interface | {
  myData: string;

export interface State {
  readonly loading: {
    getData: boolean;
  readonly data: [] | null;

interface StartFetch {
  type: typeof START_FETCH;
  kind: string;

interface DoneFetch {
  type: typeof DONE_FETCH;
  kind: string;

interface GetData {
  type: typeof GET_DATA;
  data: [];

export type ActionTypes = 
   | StartFetch
   | DoneFetch
   | GetData;
  • rxreducer - Creates a Redux Reducer File
import * as Types from './types';

  data: null,
  loading: {
    getData: false,

export default (
  state = INITIAL_STATE,
  action: Types.ActionTypes,
): Types.State => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case Types.START_FETCH:
      return { ...state, loading: { ...state.loading, [action.kind]: true } };
    case Types.DONE_FETCH:
      return { ...state, loading: { ...state.loading, [action.kind]: false } };
    case Types.GET_DATA:
      return { ...state, data: };
      return state;
  • rxaction - Creates a Redux Action File
import { Action } from 'redux';
import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk';
import { StoreState } from 'store';
import * as Types from './types';

export const | = (): ThunkAction<
> => async dispatch => {
  try {
    dispatch({ type: Types.START_FETCH });
    dispatch({ type: Types.DONE_FETCH });
  } catch {
    // error

Add to your project

There are 2 ways you can add Pedro's Choice - Keymap to your project:

By command

Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste ext install pedroschoice.pedros-choice-reactjs-snippets, and press enter.

By the Extension Marketplace

Launch VS Code Extension Marketplace (Ctrl+Shift+X), search for Pedro's Choice, and look for the best looking bald dude in the store.


How do I contribute?

If you have a sugestion for a new snippet or found some bug, feel free to help me out.

  1. Head over to the GitHub repository.
  2. Open the snippets-ts.json file or the snippets.json file.
  3. Make the changes and updated the README file.
  4. Open a pull request.
