The mods that must not miss on any urt server; infinite Stamina, no fall damage, colours names, infinite wall jumps and hide cmds
It contains all the original cvars and 5 more for control the mods added. All mods are enabled by default you can use the following commands for disable it (for enable just replace '0' with '1'):
set sv_infiniteStamina 0
set sv_infiniteWallJumps 0
set sv_nofallDamage 0
set sv_colourNames 0
set sv_hidecmds 0
set sv_disableScope 0
set sv_disableKnife 0
*HideCmds have 3 modes -> 0: No mute nothing; 1: Mute all and who send can see msg; 2: Mute all and who send can't see msg.
The !pm command is allways muted.
You can download directly the binaries from .
If you want the dedicated server download the file named 'Quake3-UrT-Ded.exe' and replaced it on the UrbanTerror folder, execute it as normal.
For client version download 'Quake3-UrT.exe' and replaced it on the UrbanTerror folder, execute it as normal.
If you want the dedicated server download the file named 'Quake3-UrT-Ded.i386/x86_64'¹ and replaced it on the UrbanTerror folder, execute it as normal.
For client version download 'Quake3-UrT.i386/x86_64'¹ and replaced it on the UrbanTerror folder, execute it as normal.
¹ i386 is for 32bits and x86_64 for 64bits
First of all download dependences: For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install make gcc libsdl-dev
And compile it
Binary files are placed on the build folder.
Maintainers Aaron Gyes , Ludwig Nussel, Thilo Schulz, Tim Angus, Tony J. White, Zachary J. Slater
Significant contributions from Ryan C. Gordon, Andreas Kohn, Joerg Dietrich, Stuart Dalton, Vincent S. Cojot , optical