Syntax highlighting and error reporting for Peggy in Visual Studio Code.
See the Marketplace.
[default: false]: Show info messages that don't have locations in the console. Examples include diagnostics about which compiler passes have been run. This is mostly useful for debugging the extension.peggyLanguageServer.markInfo
[default: true]: Mark all diagnostics, even merely informative ones. Some grammar compiler passes will give informative messages about optimizations. Those may be more annoying to you than helpful, depending on your approach to grammar writing.
Errors in the grammar are highlighted.
Right-click a rule name, and go to its definition.
Right click a rule name, and see all of the places it is used.
Rename a rule and all of the places that it is used.
See the current rule in the breadcrumbs at the top of the editor, and a list of all of the rules in the Outline view.
Feel free to contribute to this extension here. Please read the
Based on code-pegjs-language by Tobias Kahlert