The meta-ptx-fpga layer provides support for LiteX-based SoCs on Lattice ECP5 FPGAs.
In order to use this layer, you need to make the build system aware of it.
Assuming the ptx-fpga layer exists at the top-level of your yocto build tree, you can add it to the build system by adding the location of the ptx-fpga layer to bblayers.conf, along with any other layers needed. e.g.:
BBLAYERS ?= " \ /path/to/yocto/meta \ /path/to/yocto/meta-poky \ /path/to/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \ /path/to/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-python \ /path/to/yocto/meta-hdl \ /path/to/yocto/meta-ptx-fpga \ "
This layer depends on:
URI: branch: master URI: layers: meta URI: layers: meta-oe, meta-python branch: kirkstone