A python library that works with PySide to make it VERY much quicker and easier to develop (and evolve) GUIs.
- Faster workflow for the developer (than existing choices)
- Simple
- Instant visual feedback of your GUI during development
- Make layouts easier to change
- Operate at runtime; no compile+integrate steps
- Direct, programmatic access to all objects created
- Practical to introduce piecemeal to existing code
- No interference with standard Qt workings
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
from qtlayoutbuilder.api.build import build_from_multi_line_string
layouts_created = build_from_multi_line_string("""
top_widget QWidget
rows QVBoxLayout
greeting QLabel(Welcome to QtBuilder)
some_buttons QHBoxLayout
button_a QPushButton(Hello)
button-b QPushButton(World)
You can see the input file for this GUI here.
QtLayoutBuilder comes with a tool to give you instant feedback while you are editing input files during development.
It monitors every edit you make to your input file, and shows you the result immediately like this (below) without you having to leave your editor or do anything.