SCENE is a platform for situation management that leverages on JBoss Drools rule engine and its integrated Complex Event Processing features to natively support rule-based situation-awareness.
A situation is a complex event which endures over time as certain conditions involving relevant contexts hold. Such relevant contexts are qualified within a role or part by the very conditions held by them. Take John - an individual whose temperature is being measured over time. Anytime John's temperature is above 37.5 it qualifies him as a febrile person. We can refer the fever as a situation taking place with John taking the part of febrile on it.
The fever pattern can be described in DRL (Drools Rule Language) as:
declare Person
name: String
temperature: Double
declare Fever extends Situation
febrile: Person @part @key
rule Fever
febrile: Person(temperature > 37.5)
In order to fully describe a SCENE situation, one must declare a Situation kind
(Fever) and specify its properties. The binding classifier @part
tags a property as a role (e.g. febrile) to be matched in a further situation identification. There will be conditions in which an individual fulfill a part and the Situation rule
entails them as patterns (e.g. what it takes to person turn into febrile). A property tagged as @part
in the class must be referred as a binding in the situation rule
so the engine knows how to assign every individual to the right part its taking in it.
SCENE offers a mean to describe situation patterns with features like generalization, composability, aggregation and temporal correlation over situations.
<id>Scene repo</id>