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WebTrap allows you to write tests that assert on outgoing requests. This allows you to verify that such requests match the documentation of external services without actually having to hit them.


To install this library, just run the following command on your shell:

gem install webtrap

Or, if you're using Bundler, add the following to your project's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "webtrap", group: :test


WebTrap consists on a set of matchers that given a block where an HTTP request is sent provide the ability to assert over on the outgoing request.


In order to use WebTrap matchers, make sure you require the correct file into your configuration:


require "webtrap/rspec"

Include this line in the specs where you wish to use these matchers. If you prefer to make WebTrap matchers available to all specs add this line to specs/spec_helper.rb, or, if you are using rspec-rails, add it to specs/support/webtrap.rb.


  • Verify that a request is sent anywhere:

    expect do
      # ... send_request
  • Verify that a request is send with a specific XML body (or equivalent):

    expect do
      # ... send_request.with_xml(xml)


If you find a problem, have an idea or a suggestion, but don't know how to implement it, or if you simply have a question regarding this project, please create an issue on GitHub. Your issue will be reviewed by one of the main contributors and taken into consideration in the development of the project.

On the other hand, if you are able to take action on the issue please submit a pull request instead. Development will go a lot faster with contributions from the community, be it in code, documentation or any other form.

Any contribution is more than welcome.


Start by cloning the project into your system and running the bootstrapping script included to set up your development environment:

git clone
cd webtrap

Here's what the script does:

  1. Checks the existence of a compatible Ruby environment (MRI 2.0+);
  2. Checks the presence of Bundler, and installs it if missing;
  3. Installs all dependencies.

Feel free to check the script before running it. To check if everything is correctly set up run:

bundle exec rake

That will run the linters and acceptance tests. If the tests fail please check the build status for the branch you checked out. Unless the build status is already failing, please investigate the issue on your environment. If you found a defect in the bootstraping script, please file an issue to let us know (be as detailed as possible).


In this project we use BDD with Cucumber. Ideally you should start with a successful build, which you can check by running:

bundle exec rake

It may happen that the branch where you started (usually master) is already broken on the CI. If that is the case try to focus only on the scenarios you are working on, by running instead:

cucumber features/<path-to-file>

Start by describing your idea in either a new scenario or a whole new feature file. If you are not sure which one to go for, create a new feature file and someone will point you in the right direction during code revision. Make sure your scenario fails before proceeding.

After that, implement the necessary code required to make your scenario pass. If you find yourself in trouble feel free to create an issue pointing to your changes and someone will try to help you.

Once your scenario passes, refactor as required. Make sure your code gets properly checked by the linters. When you feel your changes are ready, submit a pull request. We'll review it in the nicest way possible. 😄

For a short-list to follow before submitting your pull request, see CONTRIBUTING.


Any main contributor can deploy a new version. To do so, update the version number as appropriate according to Semantic Versioning and run the deployment script:


On the other hand, if you are not a main contributor with deployment permissions your idea will have to wait for a new version release to become available in RubyGems once it gets accepted.

At the moment there is no need for a release schedule, so new versions will be released at the discretion of the main contributors team. Should you require a pending feature to be released, feel free to mention it in your pull request once it gets merged, or to open a new issue. We'll try to honor such requests as much as possible when reasonable.


WebTrap was originally designed by and is currently maintained by Pedro Costa. All artifacts in this project are released under the MIT license.